Chapter 2. You Are So Alike

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Just as we got up James walked in the lounge room “You two are so alike it scares me!” I couldn’t help but giggle because I knew how right he was. 

“Heres ten bucks, I want you to make sure this little gem gets some food into her, your mother and I won’t be home until later tonight” He said as he handed Two a couple of five dollar notes, I have always called Two-Bit Two since I can remember. 

“I might take her to the dingo for dinner, They always have pretty good meals there and I don’t think Mia has been there before?’’ Two asked.

“Nah I haven’t” I answered.

James left “See Yah Mia, See yah Keith!” he yelled. “Catcha later Dad” Two replied as James walked through the front door.

We heard the engine rev and the car screeched out the driveway.

Two turned to me and asked if we wanted to head to the dingo. “If its ok with you, Ill meet you there. I haven’t been for a run for ages because of everything thats been happening” I pleaded “so you want to run there?” he asked with a confused look on his face.

“Yeah, if thats ok with you? ill just change and meet you there in about an hour?” I know where it is because we drove past it on the way here” I said trying to convince him to let me go.

“Fine! but promise me you will carry a blade! this isn’t Texas anymore!” he gave in.

My face lit up like a moon on a winters night “Thank you! I will carry my new blade in my Bra” I said whilst giving him one of my famous bear hugs. 

I quickly ran up the stairs into my new room “Be there by six at the latest please!” Two yelled up to me and with that he went out the front door and drove out the driveway.

I was doing my best to find some clothes in amongst my jungle of boxes. After spending ten minutes looking I finally decided on some running shorts and a plain black crop top. I did a once over in the mirror I picked out my favorite blue belly button stud. It looks pretty good against my tan skin, hazel eyes and long dark brown hair.

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