Chapter 6. Is This It?

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I can’t say I was upset about getting out of the car when we pulled up the front of the Curtis house. Like mum said Two did have a lead foot! I shouldn’t complain, Im exactly the same! I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten in trouble for riding the horses to fast or hoonin’ around the paddocks in the pick-up.

I let Two-Bit go inside and I said would meet him in there. I wanted to check myself over in the mirror behind the sun visor. I think I looked alright, I mean, as good as I’m ever going to get. I laughed at myself when I said that . I was especially impressed with my mascara “hmm, long and luscious as usual!” I flirted with myself a little in the mirror which made me realise how sad my life is and it made me giggle a lot. 

I thought I better start heading in before its time to go home! It was already mighty dark outside and fairly cold to be honest. It didn’t take me long to remember that I was still wearing my little shorts and crop top. 

“I really hope these boys aren’t sleazy!” I mumbled to an old grey cat I could only faintly see across the road. He looked at me weird and then walked away “Hmmm, if I can’t make friends with you, I guess I don’t have much chance with these boys aigh!”

When I was making my up the driveway trying to find the front door, I couldn’t tell if I was nervous or just embarrassed about being half naked!

Ok, nope its defiantly embarrassment because I just tripped up the step “Act cool, act cool!” 

I opened the front door of the house and stepped in carefully shutting the door behind me. I tried to hold off making eye contact with anyone for as long as I could.

 “Oh hey, Mia!” Two jumped up from the couch and stood behind me putting his hand on  my shoulder. 

 When I finally looked up I was surprised to see just two other guys in the room, one on the couch and one in an arm chair. Although I wasn’t surprised to see that Mickey was on T.v, I can’t imagine that Two would let them watch anything else than the one and only Mickey Mouse.

“Mia this is Darrel but we all call him Darry, he is Sodapop and Ponyboy’s older brother” Darry put his newspaper down on the coffee table and got up to shake my hand “Hi Mia,   nice to finally meet you”  He had a deep voice, I thought he must be at least 20/21 years old. 

“And this is Steve Randal” I’m not sure why Two was laughing when he said that but I felt like a kid in a candy shop! i just couldn’t keep my eyes off him! 

Steve was wearing dark blue jeans and an unbuttoned DX shirt.

“Mia, how are you?” he asked while giving me a sort of cheeky little smile slight head nod. 

“good thanks Steve, yourself?” I tried to answer him without bursting out in little giggles like a ten year old around her crush! 

He kept that cheeky smile on his face and slowly looked me up and down “Not bad, not bad at all” He said, he put his hands behind his head revealing a strange eagle tattoo on  one of his flexed biceps

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