Chapter 7. Meeting Ponyboy

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About and hour and a half had passed and we spent most of the time getting to know one another and we did watch a fair bit of Mickey!

"Where is the bathroom?" I asked feeling rather awkward

"Through that door and around to the right" He pointed to the doorway near the kitchen


I walked into the bathroom and did my business. It felt good, I had been holding on for way too long! I looked myself over in the mirror and my makeup seemed to have held its shape, not that I was wearing much more than mascara! I have to admit, I looked pretty good for someone who had just ran for thirty minutes.

I swear I heard a crashing sound but I think I was just imagining things It was followed by some loud voices, I couldn't make out what they were saying so I figured it was just Steve and Two arguing about something stupid again!

I walked out of the bathroom and I stopped in the doorway and started fixing my hair. I pulled out my hair tie and flicked my hair forward, A very sudden silence dawned over the room followed by crashing and banging near the front door.

I looked up "That was THE WORST movie I have ever seen" An unfamiliar voice said.

In the front door I saw two guys probably seventeen/eighteen years old, the one who was complaining about the movie had his hand wrapped around the others neck. I leaned against the wall in awe to what I was seeing!

"Then why did you.... Well hello there" one of them turned to me and gave me a sexy nod and wink.

"Mia this is Dally and this is Sodapop, guys this is my cousin Mia" Two tried to introduce us but from what I could see those two were still a little distracted, It was almost like they had never seen a girls body before. They were both HOT! I doubt they would have trouble getting girls.

"Since when did you have family Two-Bit?" Sodapop teased, I giggled a little but Two just gave him one across the back of the head.

Dallas walked up to me and shook my hand, not once did he take his eyes off my torso. "Hey Dallas how you doing?" I tried to distract him "A lot better now!" He laughed and sat on the couch.

We kept talking while I got myself a drink of coca-cola from the fridge and all of a sudden two boys come bursting through the front door.

"Where have you two been!?" Darry sounded furious!

"We were right behind the Dally and Soda but we just walked a little slower, Sorry Darry" A gentle voice said that I could only faintly hear.

I felt uncomfortable to walk out there so when the argument was over I made my re appearance around the corner. I saw another to boys standing in the lounge the slightly taller tanner one looked at me and his jaw dropped a little, he elbowed the other one. He was reading the front cover of Darry's paper, he looked up at me and then back at the paper, it took a second or two for him to realise I was there. He looked at me again and smiled a little, both boys looked me up and down and grinned at each other.

'have any of these guys seen a girl before?' to be honest, it really seemed like they hadn't, except for Dally. I could tell he gets around.

"Ponyboy, Johnny this is Mia" Two tried to break the incredibly awkward silence

"Hey'' Ponyboy said with a shy cheeky school boy smile on his face

'He is gorgeous!' I tried to hide my emotion and keep straight

"Hey I'm Mia, Two-Bits cousin"

Our eyes stayed connected for sometime. I couldn't believe I went from the Dingo to standing in a room with 6 of the hottest guys I have ever seen! and then there is Two-bit, but he is my cousin so thats weird.

Soda was just outside the door having a cigarette "So Mia, where yah from?"

"Texas, born and raised" I realized how stupid that sounded after I said it

"From Texas to Tulsa! thats quite a move"

"Yeah it is but I like it here, the towns are so different in a good way, especially since there are only like three people in Texas which includes Mum, Dad and me'' Everyone one was laughing so hard I think I saw a few tears!

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