Chapter 9. Does He Really Like Me?

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We hit the road and it was about 10pm even though it was the middle of summer it was fairly dark out. In Texas it would be light enough outside for me to ride until this time of night if I wanted to. 

“How do you like them?” Two asked waking me from my daze

“Yeah not too bad, they seem really nice, nice to look at too” I said and we both laughed

“Well Im pretty sure they have the same opinion about you! you should of heard what they were saying when you went outside” Two replied but he wasn’t very happy saying it, I think he is pretty protective of me but I’m thankful for that In a way.

“What were they saying?” I tried to get an answer from’im  

“You don’t want to know. What did you think of Pony?” He quickly tried to change the subject

“Yeah, he’s shy, he didn’t really talk much” 

“I reckon he likes you! well we all think he does” he said trying to convince me

“doubt it, he’d be more interested in a cheerleader or someone like that” I was saying that but deep down I hoped that wasn’t true

“Well you don’t know him very well then, He’s not that sort of guy. He’s never had a girlfriend before but he’s not into those kinds of girls” He was trying to defend Ponyboy but he sounded genuine

We arrived back at the house and two’s parents weren’t home yet. 

“I’m dying for a shower!” 

As soon as we got in the house I ran up stairs into the bathroom and took a long hot shower. 

I went into my bedroom where I was disappointed to see the magical fairy that sets up peoples rooms hand’t been to mine yet.

I wrapped the towel tightly around my body and tried to find something to sleep in. It was still really warm during the night so I grabbed some shorts and a singlet.

“Night Two!” I yelled out from my door and hoped into bed. A million thoughts went through my head from whether or not Ponyboy actually liked me to making the track team.

I closed my eyes and Immediately fell asleep.

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