Chapter 31. Parched *Cough*

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My door swung open and the softness of a woman’s voice woke me up “Amy, Mia It’s time to get up” 

“Yes, mum” I said and I woke when I heard laughter. I looked up to see it was Aunt Ellie and Amy laughing at me. 

When we got into the kitchen Ellie had made breakfast for us all. We sat at the table and James and Ellie gave each other this look. Like they had something to say.

“So. About your little friend out the back” Ellie said

“Yeah, sorry about that. It was late when we got home”

“James and I had a talk and we have decided to let you keep him”

“Oh Thank you! Thank you!”

“But! You have to take full responsibility for that dog! That means, Vet, Food, Shelter and everything like that. We think It’s a good idea for a girl to have something like him in these parts of town” James said sternly.

“I sure will! Thanks again!” I took the scraps outside to feed to Turbo.

When I came back in me and Amy went up to my room to work on our Algebra tasks. We changed into our running gear and headed out the door with Turbo. We walked to the park and did thirty odd minutes of stretches. We started off at a light jog and the further we got the faster we got. We had done about 3 miles before we started walking again. I was nearly collapsing and Amy had barely broken a sweat. I wanted to head home but she insisted we stop at the Curtis house to get some water “Oh Mia please I’m so parched from that sporting activity” She nailed the Queen of England impression.

“Don’t ever say the word parched again” 

“Sorry, *Cough* Parched *Cough*” She teased and I hit her upside the head. She yelled the word out again and ran off knowing I was too tired to chase her. 

She ran around the corner and I got to the Curtis house about five minutes later. I walked through the front door and the room went silent. I felt awkward standing in the center of the room with everyone looking around not making eye contact with me. It was only Dally, Two-bit, Darry, Johnny and Amy. Finally Darry cut in “Good run?” 

“Wasn’t too bad” 

Pony walked in the door and sighed a little when he saw me “Hey” he said softly and nervously.


“I’ll get the popcorn” Two said and got everyone laughing except me and Pony. You could cut the tension with a butter knife.

“Did I miss something here?” I asked

“No not at all” Johnny said and everyone burst out laughing. 

“All right thats enough!” Darry yelled.

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