Chapter 16. He Feels The Same

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I had gotten to know the Greasers real well. I found out how much we are alike and it felt good being in a group I actually belonged to. 

I had definitely developed feelings for Ponyboy and I was a little scared to be honest. I don’t know how I was supposed to be friends with someone when I so badly wanted to be more than friends with them. We had so much in common but we were really different as well which made it interesting and good. I felt happy and nervous at the same time when I was around him, like I wanted to hug him and kiss him but I also wanted to keep my distance in fear of rejection.

Soda and Two knew how I felt about him but he others didn’t and I wanted it to stay that way. 

Everyone always seemed to go to the Curtis house, I wonder why that is. Maybe because there is three Curtis brothers? Well, I don’t know.

I looked out the kitchen window into the backyard and I could see the sun was just about to set. Ponyboy was sitting on a park bench type seat watching the sky. I wen’t out to join him. I sat down and He didn’t take his eyes off the sun.

“It’s real nice at this time, I come out here every night and watch the sunset” He said

“When I was back home I used to ride up to the very top of the hills and watch the sunset until my parents came looking for me. It’s funny, your the only person iv’e felt happy to watch a sunset with and we’ve known each other for about two weeks” I said looking him in the eye.

“That’s how I feel, Soda and Johnny would try to understand but they just don’t see it like I, we do” He smirked a little and stared at the ground 

“I liked you from the start Ponyboy, your different from the others. Your tough but sensitive and thats a good thing” I kept my eyes on the ground hoping he wouldn’t reject me

“Same here, I really like you and have ever since I laid eyes on you that very night I met you. You looked so cute in your little shorts and top, then you showed your personality and it made me fall for you even more” He said with honesty. I can’t believe he just opened up like that.

*****Ponyboy POV*****

I was being honest and I had never thought I would tell her what I thought but I’m glad I did. Whether she likes me back in the same way at least its out there. 

I went to say more but instead I found myself pushing my lips onto hers, she kissed me back and I was glad to say the least. We released “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier Pony?” She asked still a little bit confused

“I wanted to I really did but I didn’t know how or if you felt the same way. I was afraid of ruining what we already have if something happened” I tried to make sense but I wasn’t sure if I was

She grabbed my hand and we kissed again, this time was better than the first. She pulled away “Maybe this is all a little crazy, maybe it won’t work, but our hearts are young they can take it” she said before Two-bit yelled out to her it was time to go. She got up and gave me one last kiss on the forehead before heading up the driveway into the car. I stared at her as she walked off. I realized how perfect she is. How much I liked her and how much I wanted to be with her.  

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