Chapter 41. Adrenaline

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I forced myself out of bed when I noticed Pony wasn’t lying next to me anymore. I tied my hair in a messy bun and skipped downstairs in my favourite blue hoodie and bum shorts. I smelt bacon so I ran a little faster than normal. I got to the kitchen and Ponyboy was standing at the stove wearing nothing but his but his plain red boxers. I died a little inside and my brain collapsed a bit. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck.

“Morning beautiful” He said still flipping the pancakes “Good morning handsome” I replied. Ellie and James were at work and Two-bit was who knows where.

After we’d got dressed and cleaned the kitchen I hand’t long been on the couch when the doorbell rang. I ran to answer it “Hello, is a Miss Mia Mathews home?” Asked the man reading off a clipboard. He was short and stocky, he wore light blue overalls and a cap that read ‘Magic Movers’ on the front. “Yes, that’s me?” I said, it came out more of a question. He looked me up and down in surprise. Pony rushed to the door. “We are here to deliver your Yamaha bike Miss Mathews. If you’d like to step outside and show us where to put it” He said and we followed him to an old moving truck. Another taller man lowered the ramp down and wheeled out what did look to a be a motorcycle covered with a sheet. 

I was confused as heck and Ponyboy’s face was showing the very same expression. “Excuse me sir, there must be some mistake. I didn’t buy a motorcycle! No one that lives here bought one” I explained. I tried to stop them from wheeling it in the shed. “Listen kiddo, we’re just the delivery guys! We were told to bring the bike here. There was a note with it. If you could just sign here we’ll be on our way!” I signed his document and he handed me an envelope. The letter inside read: 

Dear darling Mia,

Happy Birthday! We hope you are doing well in Tulsa. I know it’s not the most ideal place for you but it’s better than England. It’s cold, dark and it’s always raining! 

We will try to fly over when we can but it’s been crazy busy on the farm. So many stunning new horses. You’d love to play around with some of the cheeky yearlings.

We knew how much you’ve always wanted a bike rather than a car so, SURPRISE! We thought you’d love this colour as well.

Love always, Mum and Dad. 

Throughout my childhood I dreamed of owning my very own bike, I can’t believe they remembered it. I moved towards it and tore off the cover. It was matte black all over and shiny black on top. The wheels and suspension bars were gold with silver fittings. It was a Yamaha R6. Golly it was a beautiful machine. The finish glistened in the morning sunshine. I started getting teary. Pony held me tight “Ay, what’s the matter?” He asked. “I’m just surprised is all” I answered. I wasn’t really sure how I felt. I was both stoked and shocked at the same time. All I could think about was how expensive it would have been. 

We walked back inside and I carried the box of riding clothes into my room. I put on the leather pants and jacket as well as the heavy motorcycle boots. They had metal on the toe and clanked every time I took a step. The helmet fit well and so did the gloves. The gear was all black with gold binding and ‘Mia’ written across the back of the helmet in gold cursive. I skipped back down to the lounge room, Johnny and Dallas were already spread out on the couch “Pony, I’m off to the Dingo to meet Amy for lunch” I said and he followed me outside again. I sat on the bike and put on my helmet. “Don’t get caught, you don’t even have a license” He replied hugging me goodbye. “It’s okay babe, I'll be fine” I smiled and kick started the bike. It started instantly and the roar of the engine woke the neighborhood. I pushed it in gear and sped down the street. The handling on the machine was incredible, the movement refreshed me, giving me the adrenaline rush iv’e been missing for quite some time.

I made it to the DX on the little fuel that was in the tank. I tried to fill up without Soda or Steve noticing me so I left my helmet on and called another young boy over to fill up. I handed him the money with a reasonable tip so he’d leave me alone.

Amy was already in a booth. The waitress came over when I sat down “Two barbecue burger meals please” Amy said and she walked off. “Have you decided to become the East side biker chick?” Amy asked with a wide smirk. “No, Mum and Dad bought me a Yamaha R6 for my birthday. It just arrived today” I replied matter of fact. “You’ll have to take me for a spin later! But seriously, theres something I need to talk to you about” She said and I knew this wasn’t going to just be a quiet lunch. The tone in her voice set off alarm bells in my head. 

“What Amy?” I asked briefly as the waitress arrived with our order. “I’ve been.. I’ve been feeling real sick lately. I went to the doctors about it and although it’s a bit too early to tell, their almost certain I’m pregnant” She stuttered, tears brimming in her eyes. She tried to wipe the tears away. My heart sunk and I didn’t know what to feel. “Oh Amy you didn’t? How could you? Does.. Does Johnny know?” I chocked “No, I haven’t told him yet. I’m too scared to” 

“What about school Amy? What about track? Competitions start in three weeks” I said, she just sat there and stared bleakly at me. “I’ll have to give it all up” She replied but this time I was getting angry. “You know Amy, you were always the intelligent one. I always thought of you being the sensible, respectful and honest one. You always made good decisions Amy. But now, I don’t even know you and I don’t like the person you’ve become” By now I was furious. I left the Diner before I said or did something I'd regret. 

I rode home and passed the boys in the kitchen. I took no notice and stormed straight into my room.

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