Chapter 25. I Am A Sprinter

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“I’ll meet you outside the change rooms when your ready and we can walk over together” Pony explained and we went our separate ways to the rooms.

It was so crowded I could hardy move. We were all packed in like sardines. I found a spot over in the corner. I changed into my jogging shorts and sports bra, laced up my runners and pulled my hair into a neat pony tail. 

I walked out of the room and Ponyboy was waiting like he said he would. We walked over into the middle of the field where all the year nines were standing waiting to get sent off into our tryout groups. I looked around and noticed I was one of only two girls wearing a shirt that didn’t cover my torso. The others were wearing T-shirts or singlets with loose fitted shorts. 

There was a line of teachers up the front reading out each sport and students names. The track coach was second after the Cheerleading coach who had taken away half the girls. 

“Hi I am the track coach. I was expecting to see more names so I am a little bit disappointed. Could the following students go onto the track and begin stretching and warming up” He said as I waited intensely to see who I was up against.

“Ponyboy, Jacob, Luke, Liam, Oscar, Amy and Mia” He sounded unsure when he read mine and Amy’s names out. We walked over as a group and sat on the grassy area in the center of the track. 

“This is the first year there has been a girl on the track team let alone two!” Pony said quietly so only I could hear.

“What about Amy? How long has she been at the school?” I asked 

“She’s new. Be careful with the coach though. He doesn’t always agree when it comes to girls playing sport” He motioned towards a short heavy set man. Judging by the grey hair and the wrinkles on his face I would say he is about sixty.

“All right everyone I am coach O’riley and today I will be pushing you as hard as possible to see your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t complain and work hard! Right on your feet. Before we begin I need to ask you a few questions” He was hard and tough and he spoke like a proper coach. He reminded me of my riding instructor back home. 

“Which one is Amy?” 

“I am coach!” Amy stood up tall and raised her hand.

“What is your full name? What events are you best at?” He asked sounding less than impressed

“My name is Amy Duna and I like running long distance. Anything over 400 m but I like 1200 m the most. I also want to try hurdles” She was very attentive but shy.

“Right. Then you must be Mia.” He looked at me and kept writing on his board.

“I hope so, otherwise I have been telling people the wrong name” I looked at Pony and we all laughed except Coach.

I looked up at him and went back to being serious “My name is Mia Mathews and I am a sprinter. I do 100 m, 200 m and Long jump. I will also be trying for 400 m and 800 m” I said keeping eye contact with him so he knew I meant it.

He didn’t ask the boys because they had been in the team since primary. 

“Everyone on the track and walk until I tell you otherwise” He directed. I watched him pull a whistle out of his satchel and put it around his neck. It had some sort of coloured symbol on the front but I couldn’t quite see what is was. 

As we started walking Pony joined beside me, the other boys behind talking to Amy. 

“Nervous?” He asked, smiling like he wanted me to say yes.

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