Chapter 30. The Date (Part 1)

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I woke up and noticed Amy was already up. I changed into some jeans, T-shirt and hoodie. I walked down stairs and a very cheery Amy served up a plate of bacon and eggs. 

“Why are you so happy?” I asked.

“Just had a good night last night that was all” She said and she started telling me about what happened but I was to busy think about tonight.

“What are you doing today?” She asked filling up a glass of strawberry milk for the two off us. Oh damn, how do I play this one?

“Not much. Just clean up around here and then later tonight I’m going to the Dingo for dinner and a movie” I said and she took a big sip of milk.

“With Liam” I quickly added and headed over to the couch.

She exploded! Spat milk everywhere! “WHAT?” 

“It’s not a big deal. He came into the shop last night and asked if I wanted to see a movie” 

“Mia you can’t honestly say he just wants to be friends?” 

“So what? Maybe he does”

“But Pony-”

“Don’t Amy! Me and Pony are just friends and thats how it’s clearly gonna stay” I yelled and turned on the T.V.

We sat on the couch and watched crappy day time movies until I looked at the clock and it was 6:00pm.

I got up and went to my room I looked for something to wear. I put on a leopard print button up shirt, red high waisted shorts and a gold metal belt. It sounds weird but it actually looked pretty good. I put on my black converse as well. I headed into the bathroom and put some mascara, foundation and light pink lipstick on. I grabbed my gold wallet and headed into the lounge.

The gang was spread out around the room and Johnny and Amy were in the back yard. 

“Wow! Where are you off to looking so fine!” Steve said grabbing my hand and twirling me around.

Soda gave me this look, I can’t explain it but it was just this look. 

“I’m going to the movies with a friend” I said more to Soda.

“Yeah and who’s your friend?” Dally said. He does this thing where he licks his bottom lip and then bites it. Every guy here is hot and does something really hot. I wish I could just have them all.


“Wait. A guy?” Dally said cutting me off.

“Yeah, his name is Liam and he is in most of my classes. He’s also on the Track team” I said and every looked at Pony. He shrugged and exhaled heavily.

*****Ponyboy POV*****

I can’t believe it. Iv’e liked her all this time and never known how to tell her. Now it’s too late and I have let her slip through my fingers. They all stared at me waiting for me to say something.

“I hope you have fun. He seems to like you” I said and he frowned, of all the things I could have said.

“Well, It’s just a movie” She said just as someone knocked on the door. 

She walked over to answer it and man she looked fine!

*****Mia POV*****

It was exactly 7:00pm when someone was at the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Liam “Wow! You look beautiful!” He said and looked me up and down.

“Aw! Thanks! You look very nice yourself!” I said and opened the door for him to come in. He stepped in and looked a bit surprised when he saw the others. He looked very handsome! He was the same height as Pony but a little tanner, had short brown hair and glassy blue eyes. 

“Give me two-seconds!” I said and ran out into the back yard

“I’m leaving now Amy!” 

“Don’t have fun!” She called back and I laughed.

I walked back in and I was trying to ignore the amount of tension between the boys. We headed out the door and I could feel Two-bit about to say something so I turned around, pulled my switchblade out of my back pocket and flipped it open “Don’t worry I have one!” I said and they all looked impressed.

“Good!” He said and I closed the door.

We headed off down the street and talked about our new training routine. Apparently he wasn’t happy with his either.

*****Ponyboy POV*****

She shut the door and I could see them walking down the street through the window. 

 “Hey man, It probably doesn’t mean nothin” Soda said and slapped me on the back.

“He's right, don’t worry bout it” Dally added in.

It was quite the rest of the night so we decided to head to our house where we were meeting Darry for dinner.

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