Chapter 18. Guts

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*****Still Ponyboy’s POV*****

“The girls got more guts than we do!” Dally said laughing his way through a mouthful of fries. 

“C’mon lets split” Mia said standing up, pushing her way out of the booth and out the door. 

We all looked at each other and we could tell she was pissed, when she was like this it was safest to walk behind her and not say anything.

*****Mia POV*****

We got back to the Curtis house but Two and I kept walking to our house. I was really frustrated about what had happened in the diner but I wasn’t sure why.

I changed into some skins and sports bra. I went out to the back yard and did some stretches. If I don’t make the track team I would at least like to make the Gymnastics or  cheer squad. I have done Gymnastics for as long as I can remember but I wouldn’t want the guys to find out about it. If they did I would never here the end of it.

I practiced a small routine I had made up incase I was given the chance to go for Cheer. 

It was a double front flip then an Aerial which ended with a split. An Aerial is a cartwheel without putting your hands on the ground. Mastering the move took me nearly 4 years and I practice all the time so that I never forget how to do it!

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