Chapter 35. I Love You

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I rushed into school angry and upset. From what happened last night but mostly because I was late for class. I opened the door and looked to the back of the room where me and Pony normally sit. He wasn’t there, in fact, he wasn’t in the class at all. Amy followed me in and sat where he would normally sit.

Last two lessons of school was Track. The coach pulled us into the gym and said he wanted us to do some workouts in there. I got told to work on my abdominals and quads. I started on the bench press when Jacob came over followed by Liam “Where’s your little Greaser friend aigh?” Jacob asked “Probably off crying because he can’t have you” Liam answered before I got the chance. Amy shot me a look. She was disappointed I didn’t defend Pony but I was so over it I couldn’t be bothered.

“Mia, where is Ponyboy today?” Coach yelled from his desk “Not sure Coach. I haven’t seen him” I walked over to him. “OK well, you and him need to know that competitions are coming in a two months. That’s two months to be at the peak of your ability. I have full confidence in you two so don’t let me down. You can leave early if you want. This training session is more for the others” He said. I nodded and walked off. 

“See you tonight Amy. I have to work” I gave her a hug and left. “Don’t forget about tomorrow night Mia!” Liam yelled out and I blew him a kiss.

I arrived at the DX an hour and a half earlier than I normally would. Soda was there but Steve had taken the day off. 

“Wag school again did ya’?” Soda said throwing an oily rag at my head. “Yeah man, everyday I swear” I joked. We spent the next few hours cleaning up and old car for the boss.

“So, Soda, picked up any broads lately?” I asked sarcastically “Boss is practically paying me to take out his daughter! But I’m really interested in this one broad. Damn is she something! Met her the other night when I was with Steve at the Dingo” He said from under the car. “Have I met her? What’s her name?” I said in a mocking tone “Isabella. Isabella Elson” He said “Yeah I’ve heard her name. We get along well. She was the one asking me to join the Gymnastics team” I said now inspecting the engine. 

“Since your raking in the big bucks I reckon it’s your shout for a Pepsi” I demanded. He ran into the shop and got us a bottle each.

“Where was Ponyboy today?” I dreaded the question. He sat on the seat at the desk and sighed “He’s at home” He replied rubbing his face with his hands “Couldn’t bare to face me at school?” I asked “He’s in bed Mia” Saying it like he was being forced to “What do you mean?” I asked sitting next to him “He hasn’t slept since you two had that fight. He’s been having nightmares all night. He was too tired to go to school” My heart sunk. I couldn’t believe he was taking it like this. This fighting thing was having such an effect on him. “Oh” I said. What do you even say when you hear something like that?

“He’s taking this pretty tough Mia. He cares about you, maybe more than he cares about anyone. It’s the first nightmare his had since the very day he met you. You have no clue what this is doing to him. I hate to think what he would do if anything happened to you” I collapsed onto the ground and sat there. Soda shook me awake and lead me to the car. It was a quiet trip home. Soda gave me a lengthy stare when I exited the car and walked inside. Almost like a pleading look. Amy wasn’t there like usual so I told Ellie everything that happened. “You need to do something about it. You need to do something before it’s far too late” She said. It was those few simple words that made my head click. It’s what everyone has been saying for ages but I just haven’t listened.

*****Ponyboy POV*****

I arrived at the lot and sat at the old car seat. I had been thinking of Mia all day and the way she reacted when my little cousin called last night. I have stuffed up everything and I have regretted it from the start.

*****Mia POV*****

I ran to the Curtis house without second thought. Turbo right in front the whole way. I finally arrived there and stormed through the door. Everyone was there and Darry was cooking dinner. Johnny was there as well which meant Pony was alone. 

“Where’s Ponyboy?” I said not shedding a sweat.

“Wen’t for a walk. Everything okay?” Darry said looking worried. 

“Not quite” I said and ran back out the door “C’mon Turbo” I sprinted all the way down to the lot. It was pitch black and the only light I could see was coming from the fire by the old car seat. I stopped and walked over to it. It was Pony. It was picture perfect the way the flame danced in the darkness.

He stood up and went to walk off but I grabbed his arm just in time “Ponyboy wait!”

“What do you want?”

“Soda told me about the nightmares you’ve been having”

“Yeah so?”

“Why didn’t you tell me how you felt about me?” 

“I didn’t think you felt the same way. I saw you with Liam. Aren’t you with him now?” 

“No! I like you Ponyboy, god dammit I might even love you”

“You don’t to have lie Mia. You don’t care about me, you don’t think about me” I can’t believe he just said that. It broke me. I felt like my heart had just been ripped out of my chest and thrown away.

“I don’t think of you? That's all I do! All the time. You’re always the first and the last thing on my mind! No matter where I go, or what I do, I’m thinking of you” I yelled to him and I burst into tears. I sobbed and tried to hit him but before I got the chance I felt him wrap his arms around me and pull me in tight. I rest my head on his chest and cried.

“I’m sorry, I just didn’t think you would ever like someone like me. A Greaser”

I looked into his deep Green-Grey eyes “It’s not about anything you have or what you are. It’s something I feel when I’m around you”

“I love you too Mia Mathews” He said pulling me in tighter and kissing the top of my head. 

I felt so embarrassed about crying. I never ever cried in front of the boys before.

“Sorry for crying like this” I said and he wiped the tears off my face “When you cry I will hold you until the tears stop running down your face. Mia, I will always be here for you. I promise”

“Mia, will you be my girl?” His pleading eyes stole my heart. I always wanted him and waited for this day to come where he asked those six simple words. I turned to Turbo who was standing next to me watching closely “Hmm, what do you think Turbo?” He jumped up and down like a puppy and we both laughed. 

“So is that a yes?”

“Absolutely!” He picked me up and I crashed into his body wrapping my legs around his waist. He held onto my thighs tightly. I leaned my forehead against his before I caressed his face in my hands bringing it towards mine and before I knew it his lips enveloped mine. It was soft and sweet and I didn’t want it to end. I didn’t want this night to end. He dropped me down and grabbed my hand giving me one last kiss. 

Our walk back to the Curtis house was silent but not awkward. We got to the door but I didn’t go in. “We can tell them tomorrow. I have to end things with Liam first” I said. He tried to pull me in but I refused.

*****Ponyboy POV***** 

I kissed her again. Except this kiss was more intense. For the next few minutes we’re completely lost in what feels like sheer perfection. I watched her walk away and it killed me. I just wanted to grab her and hold her.

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