Chapter 17. Attitude

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It was the next afternoon and we were all sitting on the couch watching T.V waiting for Ponyboy to finish doing his hair so we could go to the Dingo for lunch. I love the way he does his hair, he takes more pride it in than anyone else, except for me of course. 

Soda changed the channel to the Looney-Tunes show. I always loved this show and I know Two did because I don’t think I saw him blink at all. 

“Wanna know what I don’t understand?”

Steve laughed and shook his head “What’s that Mia?”

“Donald Duck walks out of the shower with a towel on, yet he never wears pants! ” I said, its something that I have wondered for a while and its not that big of a deal but things like this really frustrate me

They all laughed and no one said anything because they knew conversations like this usually turn into an argument. If there is one thing about me, I ALWAYS win an argument, and trust me, they knew!

We left out the front door and Steve took the charge, It was only a ten minute walk and we didn’t all fit in one car. Me and Ponyboy hung at the back with Johnny and Dally. 

Since Johnny was there we didn’t have much of a chance to talk about last night. I wanted to talk to him about it because I wasn’t quite sure where we stood about things. I knew we were obviously more than friends but whether we were actually dating is another thing.

We just talked about going back to school, Socs but mainly track. I was so excited about running this year. I found out that Johnny was already in the Karate team and would be the captain if the Socs would let him. 

We arrived at the Dingo and because it was still summer holidays there were loads of people here hanging out. We grabbed a booth near the back where we were sorta unseen. The waitress came and took our orders, everyone ordered burgers and fries but I got a Vanilla milkshake because I wasn’t feeling very hungry. We were just talking about how quickly the holidays had gone and it was only 5 days until school started again.

Everything was going smoothly when Bob, Randy and the other dirtbags decided to come and stir things up. I looked around at the others and they just rolled their eyes. 

“Having a nice meal GREASERS!” Randy said pushing Sodas plate of fries across the table.

“We were, and then you showed up” Soda replied sarcastically pulling his fries back in front of him.

Darry wasn’t there because he was at work like usual. I could see that Steve was starting to get worked up and if given the opportunity would bash them all until their brains bled out of their ears. 

“What do you want Randy?” Steve asked

“Nothing much, just checking you were having a good meal” he answered with a cunning smirk on his face.

*****Ponyboy POV*****

I kept my head down and tried hard not to be seen, I could see Mia across from me doing the same thing. She had her head in her hands looking out the window. 

“Asshole” I heard Mia mumble under her breath, trying to keep a cool face.

I buried my face in my hands wishing she hand’t said that, I knew it was on now. 

She is a very outspoken person and although it can and will get her in a lot of trouble sometimes, its one of the things I like best about her.

“What did you say you little turd?” Bob turned around in a flash and looked at Mia. 

“I said Asshole!” 

“How..” He started but she quickly interrupted 

“You come over here trying to start shit up, acting all tough and mighty when just the other week you got beaten up by a girl!” She stood up and yelled into his face. The whole diner was listening and we all tried to hold our laughter, I could even hear Bobs friends chuckle a little bit.

“Yeah well. You’ll regret that” He replied and stormed out of the Diner, him and his sheep got into his car and sped off up the street. 

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