Chapter 26. Did She Have To

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“So Mia where are you from?” Amy asked me while the boys kept talking.

“I used to live on a farm in Texas with my folks but they got offered a job in England. I didn’t want to got there so I moved here with my cousin Keith but we all call him Two-bit”

She laughed and Johnny explained why he was called that.

It was getting cold and I was only wearing shorts and a tank top. Thats the worst thing about this time of year. It was hot during the day and freezing at night. 

“Pony! My legs are sore! Can I have a piggy back?” I moaned 

“Sure” He laughed and bent over.

I jumped onto his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder while I continued my conversation with Amy. I started getting sleepy, I felt Pony grip my thighs tighter and it woke me from my day dream. 

“Don’t go to sleep on me!” He laughed and shook me up and down.

I kicked him in the side “Well try moving a bit faster!” we all laughed.

“Wanna go fast aigh?” He said slyly and looked at Johnny “Race?” 

Johnny picked up Amy and threw her on his back. She clung on like a monkey and the boys sprinted off. We laughed the whole way to the house.

We collapsed through the door way choking on our laughter, the boys nearly died of heart attack and me and Amy managed to get massive headaches!

I looked up and the others were staring at us laughing. Pony helped me to my feet and stumbled to the couch with Johnny and Amy. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed four bottles of water from the fridge. I drank mine before I made it to the couch.

Pony introduced Amy and I could hear Two-bit already cracking jokes trying to impress her. 

“Mia get me a beer will ya” Two said right as I sat on the floor next to Soda.

“No, I was just in the kitchen, get it yourself” 

“Come on” He pleaded

“And what do we say if we want something” I said sarcastically pointing at him

“Oh Mia Mathews, would be so kind and please get me a beer from the fridge” He emphasized the word beer. We all laughed except Amy.

“Wait! Mia Mathews” She said as more of a question.

‘Yeah…. What?” I think I knew what she was about to ask.

“Where have I heard that name before?” She pondered looking down at her feet.

The room was silent and we watched Amy think. “I know! You were the girl that won the National Gymnastics Championships three years in a row!” She blurted out. Everyone one stood staring at me, with shock written all over their faces.

I tried to signal for her to stop talking but she went on “You were chosen to compete in the International round but your cheerleading team made Nationals so you went with them instead. I can’t believe I’m talking to Mia Mathews” she wasn’t even talking to me she was explaining it to the others. I dropped on the couch and buried my head in my hands in embarrassment. 

They started laughing. Steve sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me “It’s all right Mia, we won’t laugh at you much longer” He squeezed me tight before letting go.

“I think it’s time to go” I got up and walked out the door “Come on Amy” We walked out the door and Into the truck. Steve drove up the street and we dropped Amy off at her house. Turns out it was only 5 doors up from ours.

We got home and I stormed up stairs. Two-Bit followed me up but I slammed the bathroom door before he could say anything.

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