Chapter 33. Intentions

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“Sorry I’m late Mr Erickson” I walked into the class room and saw Pony motion to the empty seat next to him at the back of the room “Your in year 9 Mia that isn’t good enough” 

 “Is everything okay?” Pony asked quietly so the teacher couldn’t hear “Have I got a story for you!” I opened my work book and copied out the examples off the board that Mr Erickson was writing out. “So I was walking into school and a few girls from the Gymnastics team pulled me over and said their coach desperately wants me on the team!” 

 “Oh Wow! What did you say?” He sounded intrigued but there was a slight bit of disappointment in his face.

 “I’m not sure yet, I have a feeling a lot of the training will collide with track practice” 

 “Aren’t there Socs on the Gymnastics team?” He questioned.

 “Nah not really. Their really nice. I think the cheer squad is mostly Socs though”

 We got to track practice but coach just gave us updated training schedules. Said he wanted to give us a break since we had been training so hard lately.

Liam left school early so he wasn’t there. Pony and I were walking back to the lockers when Jacob and Luke came up behind me. Jacob put his arm around my shoulders and Luke whispered in my ear “Sorta upset we couldn’t train today” He said smugly. “And why is that?” I asked sarcastically “Because we don’t get to see you in your tight running shorts!” Jacob added. I tried to laugh it off but Pony turned around and pushed Jacob into the locker “Back off!” Pony yelled and the whole corridor stopped. 

Jacob went to fight back but I jumped in just in time “Stop!” I yelled “I can take this jerk!” Jacob said and Pony pulled tighter on his collar, forcing him harder into the locker doors. I pushed Pony off him. Pony shot him a glare and stormed back to his locker. “Sorry about that Jacob” I said and headed to my locker. When I got there Pony was already gone.

I got home with Amy and changed from my skinny jeans into some trackies and a baggy hoodie. I packed my books and pencil case into a duffel bag. It was already raining so I grabbed an umbrella and headed out the door with Amy following close behind. We ran into Pony’s house and everyone was in the lounge room watching T.v. 

I popped my head into the kitchen and saw Pony had his homework spread around the table. I sat down with him and grabbed his Science book. He looked up at me faintly “Hey” He said before returning to his work. I started on his Science Practical writeup. I could hear everyone laughing and chatting in the lounge room. We were left alone to do our work mainly but sometimes someone would trudge in to get a beer from the fridge. Usually Two-bit.

“About today, I’m really sorry” He said and I could tell it took some courage for him to apologize.

“Yeah, it’s cool. Their idiots, Just try to ignore them that’s what iv’e learnt to do” I responded.

*****Ponyboy POV*****

Just ignore them That’s all Soda and Darry ever say. I hated the way they treated her and I know they are just mucking around but it irritates me so much and I don’t know why.

“Liam is even worse” I said in a slightly bitter tone.

“What?” She looked up at me.

“Nothing” I regretted every word I just said.

“C’mon what is it Ponyboy?” She demanded

“I just hope he has the right intentions with you that’s all because I don’t think he does” I tried to put in how she would understand. So far she didn’t or just didn’t want to.

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t he?” She rose from her chair and walked to the fridge grabbing a bottle of coke. 

“I’ve known those boys for a while Mia. And I hear what they say about the girls” I couldn’t make it any clearer. Or could I? 

“Liam has done nothing wrong! To me or to you!” This time her voiced was louder fiercer. by now the entire lounge room went silent.

“Not yet” I said.

*****Mia POV*****

“Not yet” He said just above a whisper.

“You have been nothing but an asshole ever since he said hello to me!” I screamed at his and smashed my coke bottle against the sink.

I stormed into the living room when Pony followed “I can’t believe you don’t see it!” He yelled. Everyone stared. Eyes wider than the moon. 

“Get stuffed. Don’t even talk to me!” I headed out the door. “Gladly” I heard him say from behind me. I froze in my spot before storming down the street. I stopped at the park. I was so wound up I had to sit or I thought I would faint. I buried my head in my hands and cried. I wasn’t sure if the tears were from anger or sadness. About what he said or the fact that I just had a fight with possibly the best friend I had ever had.


I know it's takes ages for this chapter and I'm sorry but things start getting interesting from here on I swear! Remember to vote my beautiful cherups!

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