Chapter 27. Potential Beyond Belief

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I was dressed and ready to go when Two walked down the stairs. Today was the day we found out who made it on the Track team.

“We are picking Amy up on the way” I said walking out the door with Two close behind.

We pulled into her driveway and Two tooted the horn. She walked out the door wearing blue skinny jeans and a tank top with an aqua cardigan. She was wearing the same thing as me but the only difference was I had converse on and she had light brown army boots.

She opened the car door and hopped in “Next time I'll call so we don’t end up wearing the same thing” I said looking into the rear view mirror so I could see her.

We were greeted by Pony when we arrived at school. He opened the door for me hurrying us along “We have to go to the notice board and see who made the team!” 

Pony started jogging into the corridor, we followed shortly behind. He lead us to the sports news board and there was a small sign in the corner that Pony read out All students that tried out for the Track team are to meet coach O’riley in the weights room in the Gym after school (No gym clothes required)

“Wonder what that is about” Amy said as more of a statement.

We were grouped for period 6 which was English. 

Miss Sanders made it clear she didn’t want anyone talking during her classes so silence dawned on the room. You could hear people whispering every now and then.

“What do think the coach wants?” Pony said covering his mouth so Miss couldn’t see him talking.

I kept my eyes on my text book and didn’t look up “I have no clue. Who do you think will make the team?”

“Honestly, I reckon everyone except for Oscar. He was kinda slow and he didn’t even want to try” 

“Well, how could he? He’s heavier than my horse” I whispered and Pony burst out into laughter. He’s face was going red trying to hold it back. 

“MR CURTIS! Would you like to inform the class on what is so Hilarious!” Miss spun around like a whip and raised her chalk into the air.

“No Miss” He wiped the tear from his eye and looked up at her

“Better tell’a Pone, I think she’s gonna toss the chalk at ya” I nudged him and he slammed a hand on the table laughing. I said it loud enough for the whole class to hear so everyone ended up in hysterics. 

“QUIET! EVERYONE! Ponyboy Curtis leave at once!” He got up and left the room. I could see his shadow disappear onto the floor. 

The boy beside me leant over and gave me a high five.


“Your funny you know!” He stated, scanning the class.

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