Chapter 38. Saucy Pickle

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It was already half way through the year and I still wasn’t sick of school. Two-bit always tells me to give it a few weeks but I don’t think I'll get sick of it. Ponyboy was amazing and I think he is the reason I love school so much. Things have started getting a bit competitive between me and him at the track lately and I’m hoping it doesn’t put our relationship in jeopardy. 

“Mia c’mon. It’s lunch time” I felt Ponyboys warm breath on my dry lips. I opened my eyes to see only us two left in the classroom. Even the teacher couldn’t wait to leave. We scurried out of the school as fast as we could to meet Dally’s car who was taking us to the Dairy Queen for lunch. We drove past and picked up enough burgers and fries for the other guys as well. 

Pony picked me up by my waist and sat me down gently on the car bonnet in the DX garage. Everyone huddled around to talk about their day. 

Steve grabbed my attention by throwing a saucy pickle at my head “I stole your night shift Mia” Steve attempted to say in and out of mouthfuls of burger.

“That’s sweet. I really don’t feel like working tonight” I said tipping the last few droplets of water out of the bottle onto his head. He raised his arm to throw more food but I jumped in the car before he had the chance. 

We both had the last period as a free with Amy. They decided to head home but I had some assignments to catch up on. I found a corner in an aisle in the library to do my work quietly. I was startled by the boom of an unfamiliar voice. “Excuse me, are you Mia Mathews?” The voice asked. The boy that stood before me had blonde hair and worried blue eyes. “Yeah I am, Why?” I answered. He looked around the room nervously as if he was waiting for the enemy to attack. “Could I sit with you for a moment? Some kids are trying to get me and I need a hideout” 

“Of course you can. Trying to get you?” I asked.

“They have been giving me a hard time all day. Maybe because I’m new” He settled beside me and peeked into my English book. “I was wondering why I hadn’t seen you around. What’s your name?” 

“My name is Tom Winston” He answered and my jaw dropped. Surely this wasn’t the same Winston.



Bet you didn’t expect that! I didn’t either to be totally honest with you. I did it at the very last moment. 

Sorry I haven’t been updating I just haven’t had the time. We just got new lambs that are being bottle fed about 4 or 5 times a day! They are super adorable!!!! 

Please comment and vote I really really love hearing feedback! I actually get a little upset when no one comments. Makes me feel like no one enjoys the story :(

Please play nice and be safe my beautiful Cherups!! Doing shout-outs on my next chapter.

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