Chapter 39. Tom Winston

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“You don’t happen to be related to Dallas Winston?” I asked. His quizzical eyes looked through mine. His face was bleak.

“Yeah. I’m his younger brother. How do you know Dally?” I tried to show a less vacant expression but I was too busy processing this new information about Dallas. He had always been so dark and mysterious. No one ever new much about his life in New York, we new it was rough but this was insane.

“I’m in the same gang as him. He never mentioned he had a brother” I said and he rolled his eyes. “Doesn’t surprise me”

I packed me bag and we snuck out of school before anyone caught Tom. I explained the gang and everyone in it “And then theres Amy. She is Johnny’s girlfriend so don’t try anything on her or he’ll kick your ass. Even if you are Dally’s brother” I warned him as best I could. From what he told me gangs in Tulsa were nothing compared to New York. “You can’t go anywhere without being jumped or chased. You’ve always gotta watch your back or someone is bound to pull a piece on you” He explained.

“Things are pretty rough here too. Except we call pistols ‘Heaters’” He giggled at that and I could tell me and him would get along fine. Ponyboy will either be too shocked to say anything or he’ll go into protective boyfriend overdrive. 

We reached my house and no one was inside. I got us a drink and food before getting changed and walking to the Curtis house. We reached the front of the house when I turned to Tom “So what’s your deal? Are you here to see Dally? Do you want to see Dally?” I sounded blunt and rude which I soon apologised for. 

“Yeah. He is the only one who can help me” He answered and urged for me to walk inside. Sure enough everyone was there except Darry. It was late already so he shouldn’t be too far away. 

Dally stood up immediately “Tom? What are you doing here?” 

“I wanted to get away from Mum and Dad. How have you been?” Tom asked. Their conversation continued outside and I couldn’t hear the rest. 

They walked back in and Dal explained that Tom would be staying with him. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea Tom stays at Bucks. I mean, with the smoking and drinking. He can stay here until you find something more permanent” Soda spoke up and said what we were all thinking. 

Tom and Dal agreed. Ponyboy sighed. I sat on his lap and whispered into his ear “I’m sure it won’t be for long. Just put up with it for a while please” 

“Can’t argue with you” He said kissing me before I returned to the couch. Darry walked in just in time. It didn’t take long for everything to be explained. 

The phone rang when he sat down. We continued to watch T.V. Darry hung up the phone “Bloody bank always harassing me! We need to win the lottery I’m telling you!” We giggled “Stop stressing! Love is more important than money” Two-bit said.

“Have you ever tried paying your bills with a hug?” Darry replied quickly. There was an exchange of oohs from everyone. 

“What are you talking about? We are rich. I was just out helicopter shopping before!” Soda said.

“There is no way you would ever be able to afford a helicopter Soda!” Steve said giving him a noogie. “You could just do what Two-bit would do and pay for it with a million hugs” I said and everyone burst out laughing. Two was so embarrassed he Wrestled me to the ground. Everyone joined in until it was almost a Greaser against Greaser rumble.


Just a note to my amazing readers! I am going to Queensland for about a week in a week... If that makes sense :') I will try and update again but don't expect me to update for a while. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully things are starting to get a little interesting now.

P.S~ Don't forget to comment if you want a shoutout 

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