Chapter 34. Too Much

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The school bell rung and I left my class for lunch. I turned the corner and Ponyboy came through the door of the next class. Our eyes interlocked like two bulls in a ring. I turned away, he rolled his eyes as I did so.

It was a tough day I can tell you that. Especially at Track practice. Every time I spoke to a boy he would shoot me a stare. I tried to ignore it but it really got to me.

I walked past him in the hall at the end of the day. He stopped and looked at me, I waited for him to say something but he didn’t. His eyes showed anger and frustration but also a touch of despair. I packed my books into my bag at the locker. He did the same but I turned my back to him slightly. I jumped at the feeling of cold hands on my waist. I swung around and leaned against the door. Liam pushed him self against me and kissed my cheek. He smiled and I heard Pony sigh. He slammed his locker door and stormed off. I could see him leave with Johnny. “Hey, don’t worry about him if he’s gonna act like that” Liam said, I shoved him off me and shut my locker “Not that simple. See you tomorrow” I walked off with Amy and we headed home. I was in one of those unshakable bad moods

James served me and Amy some vanilla cake and we sucked it down in one gulp. Amy went to take a shower. “So what’s happened Mia?” James rested against the bench. “Nothing” I answered. Too bluntly apparently because he wasn’t convinced. “Tell me. Who are you fighting with?”

“You know me all too well James. It’s just a friend. A friend that I don’t want to be fighting with” I felt tears brewing in my eyes but I held them back. “Everything will work out Mia. Go for a run. It’ll make you feel a whole lot better. Then swing back by the house and take this over to Keiths mates place” He said pulling a big double layered chocolate cake out of the fridge.

I ran upstairs to get changed. “Coming Am?” I asked “No actually I was gonna go see Johnny. If that’s okay?” She paused. “Yeah- ugh- Whatever” I walked back out and stretched on the run. 

It started spitting within five minutes and a few minutes later it was pouring. I decided it wasn’t worth it. I turned around and grabbed the cake from the house. I got to the Curtis house and walked in. I saw everyone sitting on the couch except Amy, Johnny and Pony. Pony was obviously third wheeling. I rested the cake on the table “I’m kinda glad Ponyboy isn’t here” I said to whoever was listening. I walked back into the lounge and I saw Pony staring right at me. “Actually I am here” He said quietly. “Oh. I’m sorry. I’ll just leave then” I went to walk out but Darry grabbed my arm “No. Stay. Ponyboy has homework. Don’t you Pony?” He asked “Yeah. I do. I’ll be in my room” He walked of gently. 

Soda handed me a towel to dry off with. I Sat on the couch next to him and fell asleep against his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me to warm me up. I was still slightly wet and very cold. I was woken by the loud ring of the telephone.

“Darry Curtis speaking” Darry said into the handset “Sure I’ll just get him for you. One moment please” “Ponyboy! Katie’s on the phone!” He yelled out and I felt Sodas arm loosen a little. Pony ran out and went to grab the phone. I stood up and headed for the door. Everyone stared and Dallas followed me out “Mia don’t do this” He said but I just looked at him coolly. I left the front gate. I ran and ran and everything starting pounding through my mind. Today, yesterday, when we first met, Liam, Amy. Just everything. I couldn’t take it. I just lost it and sprinted down the road. With every step that hit the pavement water flicked on me drenching me even more. I reached home and stormed up stairs. I jumped into the shower and sat on the shower floor and just cried.

I finally hopped back into bed and couldn’t sleep. Amy came home a few hours later and told me about her date. I remember her saying something about the movies but the calmness in her voice put me to sleep.


Check out @ShannonHearty She is writing an amazing Outsiders story!

Also check out @cloekm




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