Chapter 28. New Love

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The three of us arrived at Two’s house which now I feel comfortable enough to call home. I opened the front gate and Amy followed me in. 

I turned to face Pony “You heading home?” 


“You gonna be busy later?” I asked looking for an answer. Something was wrong with him, he seemed less cheery than he normally is.

“Nah, why? You thinking of comin round?” He barely made eye contact.

“Yeah I don’t know. I have a bit of homework” I said. He didn’t reply, he just walked off. I stood there, stunned. We watched him walk around the corner before I entered the house. 

Amy took a seat at the bench and I served up two pieces of cake. I grabbed a chair next to her “What was that about?” She asked chewing through a mouthful of vanilla cake.

“I don’t know, he seemed a bit upset didn’t he. Come up stairs” We left our plates on the bench and headed up stairs. We worked through and finished our maths and English homework. 

“So Johnny huh?” I asked Amy. 

She blushed and turned away “What do you mean?” 

“Oh please! You guys dig each other” I winked and I could see her blush.

“Well, he is definitely hot! But he is older than me” The smile fell off her face.

“Don’t worry about it, get in there Amy!” She tried to stay serious but she couldn’t hold it on and we burst out laughing. She packed her homework into her bag and walked to the front door. 

“I better get home and let my folks know I ain’t dead”

I chuckled “What are you up to later?” 

“Arrh, nothing. Did you wanna do something?” 

“Yeah, Gone With The Wind is playing tonight and I was thinking of taking Pony. You wanna come along? I’ll see if Johnny wants to come?” I teased and she caved in.


“Meet me here just before six and we’ll walk to the nightly double” I closed the door and heard the gate shut.

I walked to phone and rang the Curtis house.

“Hello” It was Darry.

“Hi it’s Mia, Is pony there?” 

*****Ponyboy POV*****

I was sitting on the couch with Johnny watching Happy Days.

“Yeah he is, I’ll just get him” Darry said into the phone and turned to me. 

He handed me the phone “Hello?” I said. No one ever calls for me.

“Hey it’s Mia! What are you up to?” She sounded strange over the phone. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I wasn’t looking at her.

“Nothing, just did some homework, me and Johnny are just watching some T.v why?’’

“Sweet, meet me here at six with Johnny, ya dig?” She sounded excited about something.

“Mia! Whats going on?” I tried to get it out go her but she wouldn’t budge.

“You’ll have to wait and see” She laughed and hung up the phone.

“Johnny, we’re meeting Mia at hers at six”

“What for?” 

“I honestly don’t know” We laughed and continued watching Happy Days.

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