Chapter 24. First Day

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“Two-bit get up!” I yelled down the hall trying to wake him up. It was Monday morning and I was getting ready for my first day of school. I made myself some breakfast before jumping in the shower to freshen up. 

After I brushed my teeth I opened my makeup bag and put on some mascara. It was a new one I bought and it made my lashes long, thick and dark. Almost like fake lashes from the salon.

“Hmmm” I searched through my closet deciding what to wear. It was still warm during the day so I put on some leather look shorts with a white tank and a blue zip up hoodie, leaving the zip undone. I ran back into the bathroom and scribbled on some light white eyeshadow to match my shirt.

“Keith Mathews! GET UP!” I screamed as I walked down the stairs to pack my bag. I chucked in some spare shorts and singlet incase I had to do Gym.

Two came storming down the stairs “Haven’t I told you not to call me Keith!” 

“Yes, you have”

“Then why do you do it?” He asked angrily

“It got you out of bed didn’t it?” I laughed and we walked out the door and Into the truck. 

“We'll pick Johnny and Pony up from Pony’s house because Darry and Soda are at work” Steve said

“Sure thing” 

It was a short trip to the Curtis house. Two beeped the horn and the boys walked out with their books in hand.

We finally arrived at school. Two waved us goodbye and drove off. We planned that we were going to meet at the bleachers for lunch. 

I walked up the steps of the entrance into what must be the biggest school I had ever seen! We walked over to the board that had our time tables and locker number. Mine and Pony’s locker were right next to each other. Johnny headed off because he’s locker was in another corridor. I had every class with Pony but we didn’t have Humanities together. 

We walked to the lockers and I had a look around me. There was a boy next to me and a boy next to Pony. I was the only girl on out set of 6 lockers except 1 girl at the very end. She was tall and tan, her very long dark brown hair was neatly pulled in a pony tail in the middle of her head. She was a little bit taller than me and she had kind eyes. I smiled to her and she smiled back instantly. She seemed like a kind girl, not a snoody Soc. At least I hoped she wasn’t. 

I walked in to my first class which was Math. Me and Pony grabbed seats at the back. 

It was a small class of no more than seventeen or eighteen.

By the time the rest of the class sat down there would have only been 15 students. Most were boys. I had two boys next to me and a girl in front.

The class was loud with the excitement of telling everyone what they did on the holidays.

Within two minutes a tall lanky man walked in. He had short black hair and wore big bug eyed glasses. He rushed around the chalkboard like he was high on caffeine.

“Good morning class, I am Eric Erickson your Math teacher for the year and you will refer to me as Mr. Erickson” He explained as he wrote his name on the board in big messy writing.

He explained the basics of linear equations and gave us some set questions from our text books for homework that was due next lesson.

My next class was English and I managed to get through that without cutting off my arm and throwing it at my teacher. Her name was Miss Sanders and she was very pushy and strict. Pony loved the lesson because he loves everything about English. 

We had a recess break so we met up with Johnny on the bleachers.

Our next lesson was Gym but the teacher told us not to worry about changing into Gym clothes. We went onto the track and sat on the bleachers where Mr Anderson gave us a speech about participating in all Gym activities. A couple of kids moaned but the rest of us sat there with boredom. He also gave us a sheet to fill out about what teams we were interested in joining so he could make a list for the try outs.

Name- Mia Gillett


Track-  Yes (100 m, 200 m and Relay)


Gymnastics- maybe

Cheer Squad-




He collected our sheets and flicked through them.

The sporting area was massive! The football field and running track was separated by the toilet and change room area and the cheerleading practice area. The whole place was barricaded by bleachers. The baseball park was being re built on the other side near the indoor and outdoor basketball stadium. In the stadium is where they have a dance studio and Gymnastics room. Because I am a new student I got given a map of the school at the start of the day.

“Tryouts for every sports will be tomorrow during period 5 and 6. If you are not taking part you will go to the library and apply for academic clubs” He stated and we all left.  I couldn’t wait for tomorrow!

“I’m starving! Lets get outta here!” Pony said, grabbing my arm and leading me through the corridor. 

We talked about class the whole way there and then we talked about us. The topic that I always try to avoid.

We stuffed our faces full of fries and Coke before returning to class which was science and humanities. In science the teacher just spoke about lab safety and in humanities the nut job went on and on about nothing.

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