Chapter 30. The Date (Part 2)

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*****Mia POV**** 

We arrived at the Dingo and grabbed a booth at the back. The waitress came over and asked us what we wanted. 

“I’ll just have a coke and fries please” I said nervously.

“Same for me” He said and she walked away.

I was so anxious but I don’t know what about. She came back with order.

We were there for a good hour and a half laughing and joking and having a great time.

“So where are you from?” He asked.


“Texas! Really?” He said in shock.

“Born and raised!” We laughed and I continued to give him my life story. 

“So do you like being a Greaser?” He asked and I was shocked, a little offended to be honest. How do I even answer that?

“Ugh, yeah I guess. It’s good to have such a good group of friends that are always there for me”

“So where do you live?” I regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth.

“I live on the South side with my brother and parents”

I looked at the clock and it was already 9:00pm “Shoot we better go or we’ll miss the movie!” He paid for our food and we left for the movie house. We were gonna go to the drive in but better movies play here.

We grabbed our seat and Liam wen’t and got some popcorn and sodas.

I don’t think I saw any of the movie. We talked the whole time and made fun of all the teachers at our school.

The movie finished and we started heading home. When we got to my front door he stopped and turned to me “Did you have a good time? Even though we spent the entire movie hanging crap on the teachers” He said and made me laugh.

“Never had so much fun!” I laughed and he hugged me good night. He looked into my eyes and leaned in for a kiss. I turned my head in time and his lips smashed into my cheek. He pulled away quickly “good night Mia. We’ll have to do this again sometime! See you at school” 

“Bye Liam, thanks again!” I said and watched him walk down the foot path.

I walked inside and the lights were on but no one was home. There was a note on the bench that said they had all gone to the Curtis house and Amy was with them. I grabbed a hoodie and headed off down the road. I was walking past the lot when I heard a sound coming from the bushes. I kept walking, I heard it again.

I could see a dark figure in the distance, I squinted to see what it was but it was just too dark. What ever it was suddenly came running towards me and is that a. Dog? BOOM! Next thing I was in the ground being smothered by an excessively friendly dog. He was tickling me so I couldn’t help but laugh “Hey! Stop!” I got up and brushed myself off. I looked behind me and the dog stood a little taller than my waist, even though I’m short, that’s a bloody big dog! He was jet black with a light brown face and legs. I knew straight away he was a Doberman because of his cropped ears “Oh! You poor thing!” I searched his neck and there was no collar or anything. I studied his ears and saw they had some blood on them. Looks like they have been freshly cropped “Some ass hole probably just wanted a fighting dog” He was wagging his tail and jumping around but he was also very attentive and nervous.

I started walking again and the dog didn’t leave my side the whole time. I saw a man walking on the opposite side of the road and he looked like he was looking for something so I walked up to him “Excuse me sir. Is this your dog?” 

“NO!” He yelled and the dog started barking and growling at him.

I held him back by his neck skin and kept going “I can’t let you go now. You’ll have to stay with me” I said to the dog and went through the gate and up the front steps of the Curtis house “Sit! Stay” The dog obeyed while I put on my sweet face and opened the door. 

“Oh hey! How was it?” Two jumped up and asked.

“Great! Had lots of fun!” 

They kept asking a million questions but I cut them off. 

“So guys”

“Yes, Mia..” Darry said standing up next to Two.

They knew I was up to something.

“Promise you wont yell?” 

“Why would we yell?” Said Dally.

“Meet Turbo!” I opened the door and the dog jumped in and stood in the center of the room. 

Everyone shot up out of their seat and ran to the back of the room. 

“WHAT THE!” Two yelled and hid behind everyone.

“He is a VERY BIG dog!” Dallas said.

“Yes, but he is so sweet” I sat down next to him and he laid on the floor.

“Who’s is it?” Amy said and sat down with me.

“Well, he was in the lot when I walked past. He was so playful and when this guy yelled at me he got really protective” I said.

They all sort of took there seats again.

“We aren’t keeping it” Two said.

“Oh please! Look at the blood on his ears! He was obviously abused and I have enough money to pay for it!” I pleaded.

“I’ll ask mum” He finally gave in.

I lay down and put my head on his side. He didn’t smell dirty or anything. 

Two-bit called me and Amy and said it was time to leave. The boys followed us out. Turbo jumped into the back of the truck and barked as some guys walked past the house “See! Do you reckon them Socs’ll be annoying us when this guy is with us?” I said and they all laughed and agreed. They gave him hugs and pats before we drove off.

We got home and I put Turbo out the back throwing him Two’s parents left overs. Thats the next hurdle, asking them about it.

Me and Amy hopped into bed and I told her about my date. 

“You know how upset Pony was? He hardly said a word the whole night” She said.

“He never says anything” 

“Don’t be like that Mia” She said. I rolled over and wen’t to sleep. I can tell tomorrow is going to be a long day!


So I know It’s not one of my better chapters and I’m sorry about that! I bet you didn’t expect Turbo! WOW! Lol.  It seems stupid but he plays a big role throughout the rest of the book. Yes there are more chapters before something big happens and I start the second book. Please comment and VOTE! Good bye my little cherups! P.s If you don't know what a doberman is I suggest you google 'Doberman dog with cropped ears' It will save some confusion later on!

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