Chapter 3: I Found |Michifer|

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//Lucifer's POV//

Gabriel and I, before we went to the movies, had to go to Cohen Family Autoshop. We get there and I get out to "observe" Michael. I know Michael as a casual auto-business guy.

"Ahh no matter how many times you come here and I tell you, you can stay in the car you still want to observe?" Michael asks and I smile and nodded.

"Well since you're not stupid, we both should know what I mean by observe now." I say and he smiles and nods.

"Very well, I guess you can start now." Michael says; I try to get in twenty or more pick up lines before he finishes changing my oil, if I'm successful it's free. Seems like a bribe but his dad was in on it; I still yet to get a free oil change. It's not that much it's only five dollars.

"I like your pants how much to get in them?" I say and he shakes his head with a sigh. "Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you...are you Australian? 'Cause you meet all of my koalafications....aside from being sexy what else do you do for a living?....I might as well call you google because you are everything I'm searching for." I say and he puts the hood down.

"I even went slower this time yet you still only got five in." Michael says and I sigh.

"Fine one more?" I ask and he nods.

"Go ahead." he says.

"I lost my number, can I have yours?" I ask and he laughs.

"Can I ask you something?" Michael asks and I nod. "How long have we had this deal?" he asks and I shrug.

"I believe this will be going on the third year now." Dean chimes in and we both look at him.

"Really?" we ask at the same time and he nods.

"If Dean is right and I think he is, I'll give you my number. I mean I would've because of that last one actually made me laugh." Michael says with a smile he pulls out a notepad and pen from the shelf at his station. He wrote down his number and was gave it to me. "Text me whenever I have no life other than work." he adds.

"Thanks Mike I know where I stand, glad Sam is home now." Dean says and then laughs afterwards along with Michael.

"Well I thank you, and I will definitely text you." I say and he smiles and I get in the car.

//Michael's POV//

"Still think you should've worked up the courage and asked him out way back." Dean says and I nod and rolls my eyes.

"You don't think I notice that?" I kinda snap.

"Subject dropped." Dean mumbles and walks into the main office. I sigh and sat down.

~~~~5:30 p.m.~~~~

Unknown number- Hey it's Lucifer

Michael- Hey Lucifer

Lucifer- So bear with me, I'm going to take my brother's advice and ask you out...well that defeats the purpose of this text if I say it upfront....yea would you like to go on a date with me sometime?

Michael- I will definitely go on a date with you

Lucifer- Great when are you free?

Michael- I'm free tomorrow if you are

Lucifer- Yes, what about dinner and a movie?

Michael- Sure can I recommend a movie option?

Lucifer- Go ahead what is it?

Michael- Rampage

Lucifer- YES

Lucifer- Sorry

Song of Love (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Adamandriel)Where stories live. Discover now