Chapter 24: Carry On Wayward Son [Part 4] |Sabriel|

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//Sam's POV//

I dropped off Adam, then I went home. I was in my bed going through emails with my phone. When Gabriel busts through the door which made me jump, "Samuel come we must go somewhere." I cock my eyebrows, he still didn't laugh.

"First of all, don't call me Samuel, second of all, where?" I ask and he gives me a challenging look.

"Sam come we must go somewhere." he says raising an eyebrow as if to signify that it's my turn in this little challenge.

"Fine." I sigh, getting up, then he smiles. We walk downstairs, I slip on my shoes and we get in his car.

"You should really lock your door when you're home alone, you could get hurt."

"It's daytime, if someone wants to hurt me they would really be stupid doing it during the day."

"Fair point but you also didn't hear me because you jumped."

"Typically you tell me when you're coming over, or you knock also texting me that you're here, you also told me you'll be coming over in the evening not at one."

"Plans change, for instance I was supposed to be with Lucifer but he thinks Michael is more important." Gabriel says with a fake sniffle, then he smiles at me. "Besides that, I know you weren't with Adam, I figured you'd be bored, and I thought you loved me."

"Okay, I do love you, and you're right I was bored. I was refreshing non-existent emails."

"I mean you have the interview next Thursday, right?"

"Wednesday." I corrected and he nodded.

"So, what are you worried about?"

"That they won't accept me, I mean it's not exactly my choice in wanting the interview but they and I quote said that they do interviews with people like me. Hinting that either I'm so close to being accepted or that I'm not going to get accepted for whatever reason they may have, the interview would be just them insulting me."

"If that's the case then they obviously do not deserve you, and they'll be completely missing out with having their best student." Gabriel grabs my hand. "So off topic, where's Kevin?"

"He likes to do his own thing when he's in a different state, something about coffee shops, thrift stores, and book shops, so I just tell him to call me or text me if he needs help with anything." I explain to Gabriel and he nods.

"So that's why he typically isn't there, makes sense." we fell into a comfortable silence, still driving, he absentmindedly brought my hand up to his face to kiss my knuckles. I smile, squeezing his hand a little then releasing the grip, but still holding his hand.

We pull into a record store, the says grand opening on it. "I was originally supposed to come here with Lucifer, but he cancelled so I thought I know who to go with."

"I know you love Lucifer but I am so glad he cancelled." I say which makes him laugh. We get out and walk in, it was HUGE.

//Gabriel's POV//

Sam wandered away from me, after five minutes of being in the store. I found Asia their debut album, I found Sam, he was by a bunch of record players, he was staring at a plaid one. I smile, "So funny thing," I pause because he jumped and I laughed because of that, "I ordered one online for you, it's actually in the car right now." I tell him and he gives me an incredulous look, I nodded with a smile. "Also, I found this...interested?" I asked showing him the album and he beamed, eyes lighting up. I smile, "I'll get it then." I say with a smile, then walked away.

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