Chapter 5: They Don't Need to Understand |Sabriel|

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//Sam's POV//

I woke up at seven and walked downstairs. "Hey Sammy, just about to wake you for breakfast." Dean says and I nod.

"Coffee?" I ask and he chuckles and points to the pot. I walked over poured myself some coffee and sat down where Dean had the plate set.

"So what are you going to do today?" Dean asks, it's Monday and I have nothing to do.

"I don't know, I have nothing to do but I'll probably go and see Adam." I say and he nods.

"Good I hardly talk to him, he always preferred you." Dean says and I shrug.

"I wouldn't say he preferred me, we're the same age that's all. Maybe if you actually talk to him." I say and Dean shrugs. Dean looks at the time, along did I and it was twenty to.

"Well no matter what you do, I have to go. See ya at lunch?" Dean asks and I nod.

"Sure thing." I say and he nods and leaves.

I finish my food and go to put it in the sink. I texted Adam.

Sam- Hey what are you doing today?

Adam- Nothing why?

Sam- We could hang out haven't seen you in years.

Adam- No shit, you're back?

Sam- Friday.

Adam- Then yea we can hang out, wanna meet at Alchemy Coffee I need some coffee

Sam- Sure we can meet there in twenty?

Adam- Sounds good, see you then

I go upstairs and get dressed. I grab my phone put it in my pocket then head back downstairs. I grab my keys and get in my car. I start driving, I saw Adam on his way and we pulled in at the same time and we got out and laughed.

"Good to see you man." Adam says giving me a hug.

"You too." I say returning the hug.

We walk in and I see Gabriel behind the counter he looks up and tells the other person working something and did a head nod towards us. The other person nodded and walked away.

//Gabriel's POV//

Sam and Adam reach the counter.

"Usual Adam?" I ask and he nods. I write on his cup 'spicier butterbeer'. "You Sam?" I ask and he shrugs.

"Surprise me." Sam says with a smile and I smile back at him. I walked away to make their coffees.

"Cold or hot, Sam?" I asked.

"Doesn't matter." he says and I nod, might as well make it cold because I have everything out for Adam's. I made Sam a Piece of Heaven which was basically a chocolate cake flavor, so it was a mocha coffee more mocha than espresso, topped with whip cream along with a chocolate syrup drizzle and sprinkles on top. Once I finished making both, the spicier butterbeer was the butterbeer with more cinnamon.

"Here you two go." I say and they nodded. "That will be six even." I add and Sam nods.

"I got it Adam go find a place so we can sit and talk." Sam says yes Adam run along. I think. Sam pulls out a ten and hand it to me. I put it in and give him the four. He puts two in the tip jar. "Oh before I go and sit, I'm just throwing it out there I me-" Sam was cut off by Adam who came back because he didn't grab his straw.

"He wants your number." Adam intervenes and walks away just as fast as he had spoke.

"Y-yea." Sam stutters and he's intensely staring at the counter.

Song of Love (Destiel/Sabriel/Michifer/Adamandriel)Where stories live. Discover now