Chapter 1

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Hopefully the story is okay it's my first one :) 

I am sure everyone knows but...

Yuri P - Yuri
Yuri K - Yuuri

Otabek's POV

I wonder if he knows? He is many things but he is not stupid, he can pick up on an off tone or an odd movement better than I ever could. I had been waiting years to be able to reconnect with him. It is not the main reason I worked so hard to get to the Grand Prix Final but it was in the back of my mind. Skating has and always will come first, well it should but lately I can't keep my eyes off him. 

I dress in my formal attire excited to see him again tonight, it should be interesting being at the banquet for the first time if it is anything like the pictures Victor showed me anyway. I arrive on time as always, I can't help it, being fashionably late just doesn't work in my brain. 

When I enter the room, I see many familiar faces but there is only one face in crowd that I am looking for.... 

I jump slightly when I hear a voice right behind me.


"Oh, hi Yuri" I say trying to hide my surprise at his very smart appearance, he looks older in a suit but he looks uncomfortable. 

"I scared you didn't I you loser" he says with no real heat behind it. 

"No" I say trying to hide a smile but he sees right through me and lets out a little laugh, I try to hide my feelings as I always have so it surprises me how Yuri can see them. 

When it comes to hiding feelings he's just like me. 

We stand in the corner drinking some grape juice and chatting about Yuri's gold medal and his plans now. 

"I want to go to Moscow and stay with my grandfather but it just won't work, I can't give up my skating I have worked too damn hard to lose now" 

"I was thinking of moving my rink to Saint Petersburg" I say not sure how Yuri would react, I hope he will be happy. 

He considers his words more carefully than I expected before saying.

"We could train together, I'm sure Yakov wouldn't mind too much" 

I stare over at Yuri's coach cautiously as he can be a scary man but he has obviously had one too many glasses of champagne and has a huge smile on his face while laughing loudly at one of Lilia's jokes. She looks much younger and relaxed with some alcohol in her. 

You can see the love they once shared.     

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now