Chapter 5

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Otabek's POV

I take a deep breath it's a good idea but it's not the best idea, I am not good at charming people like Victor is, how can I make Yuri aware of my intentions without freaking him out? My solution now seems stupid, I walk to my room and sit on the bed it's a pretty lonely room really. I pack all my belongings before checking my flight number and times, I neatly pack my suitcase so it is easy to zip up and close. 

I took my motorcycle back to where I rented it from this morning so Yuri, Yakov and Lilia are taking me to the airport. 

Suddenly there is a loud banging on my hotel door, I know its Yuri, I smile as I pull my suitcase out of my room greeting an excited Yuri. He was happy to see me because I am the only person besides his family who knows of his fear of flying which is another reason he only wanted to sit with me. 


On board the aircraft I have the window seat as Yuri can't bear to see how high he is. I, on the other hand, love flying. It makes me feel like my problems are non-existent if only for a few hours. We settle into the flight as they dim the cabin lights, I can sense the hidden fear in Yuri that no one who looks at him would even notice. 

I take a risk and grab his hand lightly, he holds firm while shaking slightly. 

He begins to relax 30 mins into the flight but keeps holding my hand, I trace my thumb on the back of his hand gently, he looks at me curiously for a second but doesn't let go. 

After an hour of watching bad sitcoms and staring out the window I start to feel drowsy and let my head fall to my shoulder still holding the hand of the boy who stole my heart.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now