Chapter 34

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Otabek's POV

"I can't believe I am saying this but I actually had fun" I laugh to Yuri as we walk in to our hotel, I had to leave the car behind at Victor's hotel since I drank a bit.

"Hmm? Oh... yeah"

"So beautiful, they were so happy" I can feel my words slurring a little.

"How was Yuuri"

"Yuuri?" I sigh, so that's why he has been so quiet.

"It was fine, I barely touched him we just chatted about their honeymoon plans"


"No" I sigh again, sometimes I forget how young he is. "They are going to japan"


Maybe he's just had too much to drink. We walk in to our room and Yuri flops on the bed in silence.


"What? Oh my god, what is your problem tonight"

I'm used to his brashness but for some reason his words cut me and I feel sick.

"I'm just worried about you, tell me what's on your mind" I say trying to keep my voice steady.

"I'm mad"

"Yeah no shit"

"Piss off"

"No, Yuri stop it just tell me. Did I do something? I swear I didn't touch Yuuri much we just danced"

"It's not that"

"Then what?" I whisper as I sit beside him "Is it Victor?" he gives me a little glance "I take that as a yes" I say with a small smile, oh I need to sit down....

"I can't tell you" he growls.

"Why?" I ask, my heart dropping a little.

"It's a secret, I can't tell anyone"

I sigh.

"Yuri you know you can tell me anything. We are partners and I would never tell anyone else, this looks like it's really eating you up"

He growls and shakes his head against the pillow

"You can have secrets Yuri but when it affects you this bad I need to know so I am going to call Victor right now"

I grab my phone angry at Victor for what he must have said to get Yuri in this state.

"No don't, fuck! Fine I'll tell you"

"I'm listening"

"This will be Victor and Yuuri's last season, they are both retiring" he mumbles in to the pillow.

That's it? It's not much of a surprise seeing as they probably just want to settle into married life and I'm not sure if Victors body would be able to handle more seasons. Why is this affecting him so much? I mean yeah, it's a little sad but not too important to him is it? 

Yuri sits up and stares at me with a very angry look on his face but I don't know what to say...

"Beka I don't know if I can win this year! I haven't beat either of them so far and my reputation is at stake! If I don't win and they retire I will never live it down, I will forever be the guy who lost to Yuuri Nikiforov!"

"Yuri I am sure you will beat them; the final is awhile away so just keep practicing"

He climbs under the sheets and growls into his pillow. My anger at Victor ebbs away, he probably didn't realize the effect this news would have on Yuri. 

I turn the lights off and climb beside Yuri, I reach a hand out towards his hair but clench my fist and pull away before turning to face away from him.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now