Chapter 37

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Otabek's POV

We walk to the car and I hop into the driver's seat and pull out on to the road, after a few seconds of silence Yuri says;

"Well that was awkward..."

We both start laughing "Yeah it was"

Suddenly Yuri yells "Oh my god!"

"Ahh what?! Jesus Yuri!"

I pant trying to watch the road.

"Beka it's your birthday!" Yuri shouts at me.

"Wha-? Oh, yea it is!" I was so hungover I completely forgot what the date was.

"What time do we have to check in?"

"Uh 9:30pm, its 7:30pm now"

"Pull in to the mall"

"What? Yuri, we have a plane to catch"

"We have time just pull in"

"Okay okay"

I turn off to the mall and find a park.

"Stay here" Yuri commands as he grabs his phone and wallet.

"Yuri wai-"

And he's gone... great. 

I don't need anything from him, just spending time with him is perfect. I sigh and scroll through Instagram on my phone... 

Oh god there are a lot of wedding photos on here... 

Me dancing with Yuuri, Yuri dancing with Victor, Yuri placing the crown on Victors head and... 

Me looking at Yuri with the biggest smile I have ever seen in a picture of me... 

Who took it? I scroll down more.


What the actual fuck?  #lookhessmiling! #nextwedding #otayuri 

Oh god... 

I wonder if Yuri has seen this...

Suddenly the door opens and Yuri slides back in with a bag in hand.

"That was quick"

"I knew what to get"

I shrug and start the car back up before heading to the airport.

We settle into our seats on the plane, we managed to score two first class seats when the check in woman recognized us and then saw it was also my birthday. 

Yuri cuddles close to me still scared of flying so I wrap my arms around him tightly and kiss the back of his head, he tightens his arms around my waist as the plane lifts off. When the plane begins to level off he releases me a little but keeps his hands on me, not like I am complaining or anything.

"You can have your gift now" he grabs the bag off the floor and plops it on my lap, I look at him with a small smile.

"You didn't have to" I say trying to hide my blush.

"Open" he smiles at me.

I open the bag and pull out a black shirt with a tiger on it.

"It's like your favorite jersey!"

"Yeah so we match. Do you like it?" he asks nervously.

"I love it!"

I lean over and kiss him briefly as I know about his disdain for public displays of affection.

"When we get home, I'll give you another present" he whispers seductively.

I almost fall off my seat and bite my lip "O-oh?"

"It's a surprise" he whispers before wrapping his arms around me and burying his face in my chest.

He has no idea the effect this has on me.

This will be the longest three hours of my life....

This will be the longest three hours of my life

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