Chapter 8

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Otabek's POV

One week later

Get me out of here!

I see Yuri's text flash on my phone screen.

10 mins I reply.

Two days ago, my beloved motorcycle arrived from Kazakhstan thanks to my parents along with a note that said: Good job, better next time love mum and dad  It's no surprise that I am a man of few words if you know my parents. 

I grab my scarf, leather jacket and a spare helmet for Yuri before rushing out to my bike and start heading along the familiar route to Lilia's house. 

This is not the first time this week that Yuri has asked me to come and get him out. Since Yuri is so young and has worked so hard Lilia and Yakov have forbidden him from skating for a few weeks so his body can recover, unfortunately skating is the only thing keeping Yuri sane so without it he explodes at them 24/7. 

As soon as I arrive at the driveway a very frustrated Yuri jumps behind me and tells me to drive, I take him to my apartment for lunch and as I watch him climb the stairs to my door I see he is wearing a backpack. 

That's unusual. 

"Come on!" he growls at me, I just smile and slide past him to unlock the door as I am used to his brashness. 

He sprawls across my couch face down yelling into the cushions.

"What happened this time?" I say with a slight laugh as I lift his legs and sit on the couch placing them on my lap. 

"Everyone treats me like a baby" he whines. 

"Oh so same problem as yesterday then?" he just grumbles something Russian in to my cushion. 

"I'll cook some lunch, you hungry?" 

"I'm always hungry" he replies, I laugh again before pushing his legs off me so I can stand and head to the kitchen. 

When I say cook I mean shove some frozen pirozhkis in the oven, I always have them on hand for Yuri which reminds me I need to buy some more. 

"What other movies do you have?" I hear his voice clearer now so he appears to have removed his head from my cushions. 

"Just my favorites" I yell back. 

"Ugh" he groans. 

I have a mixture of horror films and romance films which Yuri despises, I can hear him digging through a stack of DVDs that were placed here by the couple that I rent the apartment from. 

"Found one" I hear him say excitedly. 

Oh god... 

"Which one?"

 I walk back in to the lounge and see him holding The Aristocats. 

"A Disney movie?" I asked with what I imagine is a very surprised look on my face. 

"Well.... yeah ... grandpa and I used to watch this together" he says looking at his feet obviously embarrassed. 

I can feel myself melting at this adorable sight and agree to watch it, how bad could it be it has cats.    

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now