Chapter 10

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Yuri's POV

Oh shit! What the fuck did I just do? No way he will let me stay now! Crap! What was I thinking? 

I should never have let my emotions get the better of me he just looked so inviting in that pose, his hair all ruffled and his shirt slightly raised above his hips...

I stare at his face which looks like a deer caught in headlights, I have never seen this expression on his face and I don't want to see it again. 

What do I say? Do I say anything? Should I laugh it off as a joke? Does he hate me? 

"Let's head to the rink, there is one nearby that is usually empty this time of day" says Otabek in his normal soothing voice, he stands up and pulls his jacket on "Coming or not?" he says with a light laugh.

"Yeah let's go"

Thank god he's so calm about the whole thing. I hop on the back of his motorcycle and we begin to make our way to the rink. 

Yakov knows I never listen to him so he took my skates until it's time to practice again. Otabek rents me some skates which aren't great but I like a challenge on the ice. 

We make our way on to the ice and immediately my whole body relaxes, I belong here I think as I smoothly glide around the rink to warm up. 

Otabek was right when he said nobody would be here and it's perfect, no one to get in the way of my jumps, except Otabek but he knows to stay clear of me. 

I speed up getting ready for a quad salchow and I complete the jump perfectly and begin to feel that familiar rush that I only get on the ice. 

I immediately flow in to a triple axel which is also flawless, after a few more jumps I have to stop and catch my breath. It's only now that I notice the look of awe on Otabek's face and realize that it must have seemed like I was showing off especially since he cannot complete some of the jumps that I did. 

I glide towards the wall and grab a drink of water.

"I guess it's my turn now" I hear him say from afar, he is so graceful but powerful with his movements even before he starts to warm up. 

He glides effortlessly in to a triple toe loop to begin with and then starts a familiar step sequence... mine? 

It's my Grand Prix free skate?

I can't believe it, he isn't quite as flexible as me so he alters some of my moves but nails my jumps and it makes my heart flutter... why would he copy me?

Just for fun I guess, maybe to prove he could've won using my program? He reaches the end and falls to his knees, I skate over to him unsure of what to say. 

"That was fun" he says between breaths.

"You paid close attention to me... but the step sequence needs work" 

He laughs a little at my response, I laugh too relaxing a bit. 

"I want food" I say. 

"Okay Yuri lets go get take out" 

He has such a sexy laugh....

Otabek's POV

I hope he got the message.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now