Chapter 13

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Otabek's POV

I managed to find a reasonably cheap car to buy since a motorcycle is not so good for moving boxes or driving through bad weather, we have moved a few boxes for Yuuri already and have another load coming today.

"Whew!" says Yuri "So heavy! What does the piggy have in here?"

I just laugh and lift another box in to Victors apartment placing it gently in the lounge. Wow Victor is really messy I think as I look around, the apartment strikes me as lonely and I can't help but feel bad for Victor until of course I remember that he has Yuuri now. 

It's been three weeks since Yuri kissed me and he's practically moved in, Yakov seems pretty happy about it.

"You could learn a thing or two about dedication and hard work from Otabek" 

I couldn't help but feel pleased when he said that. 

He sleeps in my bed with me but we only cuddle and the next day Yuri acts like it didn't happen, I'm starting to get a little tired of it but it's not like I step up and tell him about my feelings. 

I sigh before locking the front door and hiding the key in Victors fake pot plant outside the door. Its nearing Yuri's 16th birthday so maybe I'll tell him then I think as I climb in to the driver's seat of the car.

"Took you long enough" 

I just smile and start the ignition.


I groan and wake up with Yuri's leg across my chest, I lean over to grab my phone and see Victors name flashing on the screen.


"Otabek hi sorry to wake you but our flight got cancelled so we had to get on an early connection flight, can you still pick us up?"

I groan loudly and rub my eyes when did I become their best friend? I guess they just came with Yuri.


"Two hours, we had to connect through Moscow"


"Thanks, got to go our flights boarding now"


I sigh and look over at Yuri who is scowling at me.

"Who was that at this fucken early hour?"

"Victor, we need to go get him from the airport in two hours"

"Ugh" he growls "just leave them, I'm going back to sleep"

"I don't break promises" I whisper. 

I try to get up but am taken off guard when Yuri grabs my arm and pulls me close to him, I take a deep breath in but don't hesitate to wrap my arms around him. I rest my chin gently on the top of his head laughing quietly as his hair tickles my face. 

He smells so good, I can't leave his side.    

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