Chapter 7

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Yuri's POV

"Come on, out with it! You made me tell you all mine loser" 

Now I'm mad... he better spill. 

"Being alone" he replies quietly. 

"Oh yeah well I guess everyone is afraid of that" I say, silently adding that to a list of my own fears. 

Otabek says nothing as he raises the arm rest between us and opens his arms to me, I hesitantly crawl into his arms and curl my legs against my stomach before resting my head on his chest. 

It is only now that I realize I am still shaking in fear but the shaking stops the second I feel his strong arms around me. Otabek's heart is racing, I put my hand against it thinking that maybe he is more scared of turbulence than he let on. 

I smile and in the comfort of his arms I fall asleep.

Otabek's POV

Okay calm down, I know he looks beyond adorable in this position but he can feel my heartbeat under his hand so I must get under control. 

I take slow deep breaths and realize that Yuri has gone to sleep on me. His face only a few minutes ago held an expression I hope to never see again, pure fear. 

I feel huge pride at being able to calm him to the point where he can sleep peacefully on a plane, I was planning to confess my love for Yuri or at least to hint at it but under the circumstances it is not the best idea. 

Turbulence.... just my luck...

"Flight attendants prepare the cabin for landing" 

Oh are we there already? I must have slept too, I gently stroke Yuri's hair which is softer than I imagined.

"Yuri wake up we are landing" he grumbles and opens his eyes slowly, they are so stunning oh my god. 

"Fuck I'm tired" 

I smile as he begins to sit upright and re fastens his seatbelt, my smile quickly fades as I try to think of what happens now. 

I have a contact in Saint Petersburg who sorted a fully furnished apartment for me so I can go there straight away but I don't want to leave Yuri for even a moment. 

We walk through the airport until we find Yakov and Lilia who have taken Yuri in while he trains but I think Yuri plans to live with Victor and Yuuri when they arrive because he would have more freedom with them. Deep down he does like them but he would never admit it.

We wave a quick goodbye to each other... 

I am unsure when I will see him again.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now