Chapter 4

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Otabek's POV

I knock twice on room 203 and the door is quickly opened by Yuuri who has obviously been kissing Victor no more than a minute before I came in the door.

"Hey Otabek come in" 

I nod politely before coming in and sitting at the small hotel table, my fingers are shaking slightly as I think of what to say next. Why did I come here...

Victor is perched on the end of his bed and Yuuri sits in the other available chair across the table from me.

"So..." Yuuri says trying to think of something to break the silence.

"I came for advice" 

The two men look surprised, they should be used to my bluntness but maybe they are just surprised I came to them. 

"What advice do you need from us" asks Victor with a face that looks deep in thought. 

"I like this guy" 

They look at me intently waiting for me to continue. 

I take a deep breath...

"He is a friend and I can't ruin my friendship with him but I also can't stop thinking about him. When he skates it's like my world lights up and his eyes are perfect so powerful, he has no idea the effect he has on me and I don't know if he is into guys or even if I am but he is just so amazing" 

My heart drops and I look at my hands after my unfortunate word explosion, I don't know what happened there but it just all came out. 

I look up to see Victor and Yuuri struggling not to laugh, suddenly I am furious I mean what is so funny about my pain? Then Victor says "Sounds familiar wouldn't you say Yuuri? Dancing on the ice"

Yuuri just smiles at me softly.

"I went through the same thing with Yuuri, I loved him at first sight but he didn't even remember me so we were just friends" 

He says with a slight pout before standing behind Yuuri and kissing the top of his head while Yuuri blushes. 

"I can't do what you did, Yuri has a coach already" 

Victor thinks intently for a second before jumping up with a big smile on his face 

"I got it! You are Yuri are taking the same flight back yes?" 


"I assume as friends you would be sitting together? For 5 hours" 

Oh.... that's my chance.

"Thanks Victor I should have thought of that" I say gruffly. 

The two men just smile at me as I walk towards the door. 

"See you in Saint Petersburg" I say before escaping.    

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now