Chapter 12

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Otabek's POV

I've always been a morning person, my usual wake up time is 6am but I awoke at 7 this morning. I feel a weight on my chest and look down to see Yuri's head laying on me with his hair tickling my neck, now I remember.

I move his hair away from me careful not to wake him at the risk of being yelled at, he mumbles quietly but remains asleep as I keep sliding his hair away so I can see his face. 

Wow I think as I see his expression in sleep, he is so beautiful and looks so vulnerable, he looks much softer when you strip away his defensive layers. 

I lay my head back on my pillow and stare at the ceiling listening to his slow deep breathing, I'm so calm right now, he makes me feel safe.

Suddenly Yuri's phone starts ringing loudly.

"Huh? What?" he says as he lifts his head off my chest and reaches over to grab his cellphone.

"chto ty khochesh'" he yells in to the phone.


"Nu, chto ty khochesh', chtoby ya sdelal?" he says. I can hear someone with a muffled Russian accent talking to him.


"Vy ne mozhete pozabotit'sya ob etom?"


"Fine but you and the piggy owe me one!" He shouts in english.

He hangs up quickly.

"Ugh fuck it's too early to deal with them"

"What did Victor want?" I ask.

"How did you know it was him?" he growls.

"Piggy" I laugh "I know all your nicknames for people"

"You noticed?" he seems surprised when I nod.

"Victor is 'old man', Yuuri is 'piggy', Phichit is 'selfie' and J-J is 'douche' " I say still laughing. 

He looks surprised for a second before joining my laugh.

"Mila is 'hag' and 'Yakov' is nag!" 

We lay laughing on my bed until I calm down enough to ask.

"What's mine?" 

He blushes a little.

"Huh, I never thought about it"

I smile and say "Let me know when you figure it out"

He smiles back beneath his hair before lying back on the pillows and wrapping himself back up.

"So, what did Victor say?" I reminded him.

"Oh yeah he asked me to help move Yuuri's stuff to his apartment, Yuuri's moving in with Victor and they are shipping all his shit out to Russia"

"Bit soon isn't it?" I wonder out loud.


"Never mind, do you want my help?"

"Of course, idiot, do you think I could carry all of piggy's shit by myself?"

"Na, well I'd better rent a car for the move"

"Okay" he growls and hides under the covers again, I decide to get up and go for my shower.

I start to get undressed after I turn the shower on, I like it at a burning hot temperature, I test the water with my hand when suddenly....

"Hey Ota- oh god!"

"Yuri! What the hell?" I say trying to cover my naked body with my hands, he turns and runs out as fast as lightening. I feel myself blushing furiously, I forgot to lock the bathroom door...

That was so embarrassing I know I won't be making that mistake again... he saw everything I think as I bang my head on the shower door. 

I don't think I can ever leave my bathroom again. 

I get dressed and peak my head outside, I can't see any sign of him so I shuffle out and grab my comb. 

I sniff and smell something cooking, I follow the smell and am surprised to see Yuri expertly frying up some eggs.

"Yuri?" I say hesitantly, still very embarrassed.

"Oh, hey Otabek, have a nice shower?" he laughs and I am immediately relieved.

"Yeah it was fine" I laugh back.

I start to walk in to the kitchen when Yuri points a spatula in my direction.

"Out of my kitchen asshole"

I laugh again "But it's my kitchen"

"When I cook it's my kitchen, sit down its almost done"

"Okay" I shrug my shoulders and sit at the table scrolling through Instagram on my phone.


A plate with egg and toast is placed in front of me and I look up slowly.

"Eat" he says, shoving his own egg in to his mouth. I put my phone down and start to eat.

"Oh, Yuri this is so good!" I exclaim shoving more in to my mouth, wow how did he make it taste so good?

"Mhmf" he says still stuffing his face, when he swallows he says:

"My trick is lemon" with a wink.

"So good" I mumble and I'm pretty sure I see him blush behind his hair, quietly proud. 

He runs off to the bathroom to have his own shower before yelling.

"I can't find the fucken towels"

I laugh and hand him one from the cupboard.

"Thanks, Beka"

Beka? I like it.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now