Chapter 30

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Otabek's POV

"Yuri... Yuri" I say gently shaking him awake.

"Five more minutes" he grumbles.

"We have to go soon, Victor is expecting us at the hotel in two hours" I say softly.

"Ugh that" he grumbles before opening his eyes and dragging himself out of the bed. I smile and start dressing up in my suit while Yuri throws on some casual clothes, Victor didn't trust Yuri to keep his suit safe so Yuri will put it on when we arrive.

 We travelled to Amsterdam for the wedding since Russia does not allow same sex marriage but Victor and Yuuri are happy since they wanted a destination wedding anyway.

 We are staying at a different hotel since Yuri can't bear the thought of facing Victor and Yuuri after their wedding night.

"Makes you uncomfortable does it Yuri?"

"Fuck off Beka"

So, another hotel it was... we chose this one which is about 30 mins away from the one they are staying in.

"You look hot in that suit"

I turn to see Yuri standing right behind me.

"Ah!" I jump back a little.

"Did I scare you loser"

"Shut up"

... He scared the crap out of me.

He leans towards me and straightens my tie.

"Do I really look hot?" I whisper.

"Shut up" he laughs "You know you do"

"I can't wait to see you"

"I look weird, don't forget the hair ties and spray."

"Oh yeah"

I finally mastered Yuri's hair do, I'll do it when we get there so there is no risk of the wind blowing a strand out of place.

A/N yay chapter 30! wedding time!!!

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