Chapter 38

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Otabek's POV

I lug my suitcase in to my room followed closely by Yuri. 

What now? 

Yuri has some ideas...

"It's no longer your birthday but still."

I watch as he takes his shirt off before running in to my arms and pressing his lips against mine. I hold him tight as I walk to the bed and lay him down, I crawl on top of him and run my fingers through his hair. 

Yuri pulls me down and dominates the kiss pushing my lips apart and slipping his tongue in, he has to pull away and catch his breath so I rip my shirt off before leaning down again and looking into his stunning emerald eyes.

"I know you want this" he whispers.

"Only if you do, I won't force you kitten"

"I want this I-I love you"

"I love you more my Yuri" I say before pressing my lips against his once again and then start moving to his jaw and down to his neck, I move my hands all over him from his cheek down to his thigh. His hands are on my back digging his nails into my skin but it doesn't hurt it just turns me on more.

"Beka" he moans.

"I love it when you say my name" I whisper in his ear before kissing the skin just below his ear and he lets out another gasp. 

"My Beka!" 

I smile against his skin and lick from his ear down his neck and feel him shiver, he tastes so good. 

His hands move down my back to my hips and he pulls my hips to his suddenly "Yuri!" I gasp and he smirks at me.

"I like it when you say mine" he laughs and moves my hips up and down before I take control and he moves his hands to my thighs and holds tightly as I grind against him slowly. 

We are both getting hot and sweaty but he looks even sexier beneath me like this "Kiss me" he gasps and I kiss his cheek, neck and the corner of his lips "Beka!" he moans at me, I smile and kiss his lips more passionately than I ever have before. I move my hand down his pants.

"Wait!" he gasps.

"Sorry sorry I- I thought you want-" I pull away but he wraps his legs around me and places a finger to my lips.

"Beka, promise me you will never touch anyone else like this, only me"

My eyes widen...

"Of course, Yuri, I love you and only you. I've waited so long to make you mine"

He looks up at me taking a deep breath.

"Then let's do it"

Eros ensues.....

Yuri's POV

Ow... I think slowly opening my eyes, my body hurts everywhere "Fuck" I mumble, it felt so good last night. Blew my fucking mind actually. I turn to see Beka looking at me, he always wakes before me, bit annoying really...

"Morning beautiful" he whispers as he lightly moves his fingers along the side of my body.

"Ugh" I groan back at him.

"Bit sore?" he laughs.

"A bit?!"

He smiles apologetically, I smile back eventually I mean I wanted this every bit as much as he did. I try to get out of bed but my legs wobble and I fall to the floor.

"The fuck?!"

"Oh yeah it's going to be hard to walk" Beka laughs before coming over to pick me up.

"Next time I'm top!"

"No complaints from me" he laughs and places me back in bed.

"I'll make you an egg, just relax" 

It's nice being waited on... 

Perhaps this isn't too bad.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now