Chapter 20

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Otabek's POV

Yuri's training starts again today, I'm going to miss him like hell. I want him to fully move in with me but I'm nervous to talk to him about it, just the thought is making me feel a little dizzy. 

I will also begin my training at another rink with my old coach soon who decided to move here since he knows me so well and understands my rhythm and the way I skate. I'm glad he will stay with me so I don't have to go through all the basics again with Yakov. 

Yuri is sleeping peacefully next to me so I slip out quietly to go have my shower. I turn the shower on and take a peak in the mirror, I move my fingers over the mark that Yuri left on me smiling as I remember last night.

Two hours later...

I drive Yuri to his practice on my bike.

"Come in loser" he yells heading toward the rink. 

Yeah yeah, I think with a laugh but wince from this persistent headache.


"Hello Yakov" I say too busy watching Mila pretending to faint behind him to think of anything else to say.

"What's up with you hag?!" Yuri shouts, Yakov sighs.

"Yuri, Mila behave"

They both grunt "Yes coach" before making horrendous faces at each other behind his back, I smirk and sit down on a bench beside the ice to watch Yuri warm up. 

Lilia is also watching Yuri closely and taking notes which, I can assume, is for his program that she choreographs for him.

"Yakov!" yells Victor making his entrance before running to Yakov and hugging him tightly.

"Vitya come on, get your skates on, I want you on the ice"

Victor smiles before releasing him and giving Yuuri's ring finger a kiss then running off to get changed. 

Yuuri seems to hesitate before coming to sit next to me in silence. We watch Yakov yelling loud instructions in Russian every two seconds it feels like.

"What's it like with Victor as your coach?" And lover... I ask suddenly curious.

"Oh well he's good for me I – I mean he knows how to encourage me and motivate me unlike my past coaches" he says twisting his ring around his finger.

"When is the wedding?"

"Oh, um we were thinking before this year's GPF since we compete against each other and I'd rather not know who wins before I marry him" Yuuri says blushing.


I hum out loud, I'll be competing against Yuri again and this time I really want to win but he would not be happy if he didn't get gold. I hate to think.... what if.... I win... but I lose him? 

I understand Yuuri now, he can't lose Victor over this so he will marry him first.

"Good idea" I say to Yuuri, he gives me a knowing look. 

Yuuri has the uncanny ability to know when to keep quiet and not push things I feel myself starting to warm to him. 

Mila on the other hand....

"Heeey Otabek! How have you been?" she asks with a huge smile. 

Georgi gives Yuuri a wink before skating off, what was that about?

"Good" I say bluntly and rub my temples.

"You should have brought your skates"

"Okay" I reply.

I look next to me and see Yuuri has his on.

"Georgi has a spare pair you can borrow, right Georgi?"

"Hmm? Oh yeah in the bag next to you bro" he says pulling Yuuri on to the ice.

"Hands to yourself over there Georgi!" Victor yells as he skates past laughing, Yuuri's blushing furiously. 

Okay I think. 

I guess it could get boring on the side, I pull the skates from the bag luckily, they are my size. After lacing the skates, I slide on to the ice and relax my body as I do so. I can almost not feel the pounding in my head, I spin around to see Georgi swinging Yuuri around knowing it will drive Victor insane. 

I skate around half the rink careful to not disrupt Yakov's coaching and complete a double axel to warm up, I hear Mila gasp and feel her gaze on me again, what is up with that... it's creeping me out.

"You are so awesome Otabek" she says skating over to me and grabs my hand.

I pull my hand away but Yuri sees.

"Hey!" he yells.

Oh boy....

He skates over to me and rips my scarf from my neck revealing the mark he left on me, everyone gasps.

"He's mine hag!"

Then all hell broke loose....

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now