Chapter 6

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Yuri's POV

I am the ice tiger of Russia, the winner of the Grand Prix Final... 

Tigers don't belong in the sky. 

I can't understand how Otabek can sleep so peacefully... every unknown sound makes me squeeze his hand while I struggle to maintain an emotionless face. 

I have a reputation to uphold and I can't let anyone see my fear. Except Otabek but only because he dragged my fears out of me whereas everyone else stays clear when I put up a front. 

My thoughts turn to the Grand Prix Final in an attempt to distract myself, I feel bad for Otabek for losing to that ass of a skater JJ and I know it is quietly eating him up inside but it's not something we bring up. We talk about my gold medal and my training, whenever we talk it is about me and Otabek is the one who pushes the conversation in my direction. He must really not want to talk about his loss. 

The plane shudders suddenly and my heart starts to pound, I squeeze Otabek's hand tighter and bring it closer so I can hold it both my hands. 

There is another sudden shudder but worse this time and the fasten seatbelt sign comes on "Otabek wake up" I exclaim in fear but he continues to snore softly, this man could sleep through anything. "Otabek!" my voice shakes and gets higher, I try to rouse him by hitting his leg. 

Another sharp lurch suddenly occurs and I feel myself whimper and tears fill my eyes as I hear a woman in front screaming, Otabek suddenly sits up and looks at me very intensely as he takes in my frightened state.

"Yuri I'm sorry I'm awake now, I'm here" he says as he wraps his arms around me while the plane descends and shakes violently. 

I have never felt anything like this before. 

After a while the shaking settles down and becomes barely noticeable. 

"Sorry about that folks we hit some clear air turbulence and have descended slightly to avoid it, we are now roughly two hours from Saint Petersburg sorry for the inconvenience" 

We listen to the pilots words knowing we are safe now but I stay silent as the seatbelt sign turns off.

"You okay now Yuri?" 

No fucking way I think but I can't bring myself to say anything out loud, I am worried I will sound weak. I place my hands on his hoping that he will get the message. 

Twenty minutes later and Otabek still has me in tight in his arms. 

"Hey Yuri?" 

"Yeah, what?" I say in a slightly croaky voice.

"I can't feel my arms" I look at him suddenly embarrassed at the position we are in.

"Oh sorry" I say as I move away and let go of his hands. 

Otabek stretches himself out as much as he can in the cramped seat I can't help but notice he looks like a cat doing that, I realize about a split second after he does that I am still staring at him and I avert my gaze quickly pretending to read the safety card in front of me. 

"Sorry for being a baby" I whisper after a few minutes of silence.

"Yuri everyone is scared of something" 

"Then what is your fear? You know all of mine but you haven't told me yours" I say suddenly angry.    

Otabek's POV

Losing you... that's my biggest fear, never being with him. And needles.   

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now