Chapter 23

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Yuuri's POV


I see him in the hallway lost and crying, I run to him grabbing his arm and pulling him the right way. I've been here recently with a panic attack so I know the way, I walk to the desk.

"Hey we are here for Otabek Altin"

The woman at the counter looks at Yurio, he looks a right mess at the moment.

"He is okay? Does he need to sit down?"

"Where is he!" shouts Yurio.

"Shh... Sorry about him, he loves Otabek"

A flicker of understanding crosses her eyes.

"Otabek is stable, you can visit him in room 15 just keep it down okay?" she says looking at Yurio.

I grab his arm and make sure he doesn't run.

"Get off me pig!" he growls at me.

"They don't take kindly to people blindly running through the emergency room" I say calmly remembering when Victor almost got thrown out for doing just that. 

We walk briskly to room 15, Yurio goes straight to Otabek's bedside and kisses his cheek.

"Beka please wake up please, I won't leave you ever"

I feel gentle arms sliding around me and tears dripping on my shoulder. This scene is too much for Victor as it is complete Deja vu for us, I put my hands on top of Victor's trying to be the strong one for once while both Russians sob. 

I have never seen Yurio like this and it's breaking my heart, don't cry I think, stay strong.

Otabek's eyes slowly flutter open, he looks down confused at Yurio who is kissing his hand and sobbing.


"Beka!" he cries crawling in to the hospital bed and wrapping his arms around Otabek.

"Yuri? Stop crying it's okay" he whispers.

Yurio can't form sentences anymore since he's so worked up.

"Yuuri? Victor? What's going on?"

I walk towards the bed with Victor still firmly attached to my waist.

"You had a panic attack and fainted on the ice" I say softly.

"Did I? Why are Victor and Yuri crying? It's not serious in that case." he says stroking Yurio's hair.

"Victor is crying because this happens to me sometimes and I think he feels bad for holding Yuri back from you" I'm used to speaking for Victor by now so I know its okay, I feel him push his face in to my hair like he does when he tries to calm himself down. 

"And Yuri is crying because I think he sees you as a strong man who will always be okay and also the fact that he .. well..." 

Should I tell him?

"Well what?" he demands.

"Yuri is in love with you" I spill.

I back off slightly to let my words sink in.

"Is that true Yuri?" he whispers still stroking Yuri's hair.

Yurio still can't bring himself to talk so he nods gently against Otabek's chest, aww... 

A nurse comes in to check on Otabek and smiles when she sees them cuddling.

"Awake now I see" she says happily.

"Yeah, can I go home now?"

"We have given you some strong medication and need to keep you under observation for the night"

Otabek groans and holds Yurio tightly.

"Can he stay? Please"

"May I ask his relation to you?"


Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now