Chapter 32

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Otabek's POV

Yuri stands at the alter holding a pillow with a blue flower crown, Phichit is next to him holding an identical crown except in pink. 

The music from Yuuri's last year free skate starts playing and everyone stands to look towards the door. Victor walks in first holding on to Yakov who looks uncharacteristically happy. Victor reaches the alter and stands tall although anyone can see he's nervous, Yakov shakes his hand before sitting down. 

Two women walk in wearing flowing dresses one in pink and the other in blue I recognize Yuuri's sister and friend Minako, both of whom are crying. Then Yuuri walks in, he takes everyone's breath away even mine. 

His waistcoat is the exact shade of Victors eyes, he has his hair slicked back and no glasses. Victor starts crying as Yuuri walks towards him with both of his parents. 

They join hands to face Chris who apparently is officiating their ceremony for them. They say their vows to each other while crying, after each of them says their vows they get a flower crown placed on their head by their best man. Victor wears the blue crown and Yuuri the pink, after the vows Chris hands them their rings. 

Yuri told me earlier that they had got their rings engraved with the words: 

Stay close to me

"Ladies and gentlemen" Chris says with a wink "I now present Victor Katsuki- Nikiforov and Yuuri Nikiforov!" 

He took Victors last name.. interesting..

Chris nudges Victor before saying "You can kiss him now"

"Oh!" says Victor still crying.

He pulls Yuuri towards him and gives him the most loving kiss I have ever seen, everyone claps as they kiss and then Victor and Yuuri walk out swinging their joined hands. Both have the biggest smiles on their faces I have ever seen and the way Victor looks at Yuuri makes my heart melt, I hope Yuri will look at me that way one day.

I want to run to Yuri but I let him see his grandfather first, he runs in to his grandfather's arms

"Good job Yuratchka"

"Thanks grandpa"

I smile when Yuri looks up at me and I mouth perfect 

I love him so much.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now