Chapter 19

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Yuri's POV
Final birthday chapter.

Inside the box is a stunning leather jacket, I lift it out and it's so soft. "Oh, Beka I love it" I whisper.

"Try it on" Beka says smiling. 

I unfold it, the lining is leopard print! I gasp, Beka laughs. 

"I had it specially made for you"

"It's perfect" I say sliding it on, it fits like a glove. I stand in front of the mirror.

"I look so good in this!"

"I thought you might" he laughs and I laugh with him before turning to face him, he is still wearing his own leather jacket. 

I run towards him and jump in to his arms, he takes a step back to catch his balance but holds me tight. 

"Best birthday ever" I whisper in his ear before pulling back slightly but before I get too far he leans in and kisses me passionately. 

I place one hand on the back of his head and move my fingers through his hair. We have kissed several times since the night after our first fight but this kiss feels different. Beka licks my bottom lip signaling he wants to slide his tongue in and I let him in with no hesitation any more. 

I pull back for a breath and look at his face which is bright red and he's breathing heavily, I bring my forehead to his as he sits down on the bed pulling me on top of him. I sit on his lap with one leg either side and shiver a little as he moves his hand under my jacket and then my shirt. I can feel him trying not to show his desperation for me too much, I feel the same.

"Is it okay?" he asks when he feels my shivering.

"Yea but let's not go too far okay? It's all new to me" I say trying to keep my voice steady.

"Of course Yuri, only when you are ready" he whispers.

I sigh and relax against him; his hands gently push my jacket off and place it on the bed before lifting my shirt off over my head. He leans over to kiss my neck.

"Beka" I sigh looking over at him "Not fair!" I laugh as I tug at his shirt.

"Take it off then" he whispers.

Okay I can do this... with shaking hands I slip his scarf off gently before sliding his jacket off and lifting his shirt over his head. 

His body is amazingly toned as most figure skaters are, all of a sudden, I feel very insecure about my own skinny body.

"You are so handsome Yuri"

Beka must have sensed my insecurity, somehow, he always knows just what to say to me. I try to tell him the same but I'm left speechless when he kisses my neck and shoulder. He starts sucking the skin on my shoulder, it feels so good. One of his hands is in my hair pulling my head back gently, the other slides down my back.

"Beka..." I gasp. 

I can feel him smiling against my skin, when he's done he gives me a quick kiss on my lips before pulling away. He looks so sexy with his hair all ruffled like this. 

"Your turn" he says softly. What?

"B-but I've never done it before" I confess.

"Try" he breathes out "I want you to mark me as yours" 

My heart skips a beat as I lean towards his neck and start sucking gently. 

"Oh Yuri..." I get a little excited and lightly bite him "sonday jaqsı Yuri" he gasps. 

For a second I'm worried I hurt him, I don't know what he said but he keeps running his fingers through my hair gently, not pulling away. I feel a sense of pride when I pull away and see a very visible mark on his neck, we look at each other and just burst in to laughter. 

He wraps his arms around me and pulls me on top of him on the bed before moving his fingers to my ticklish spot on my hips.

"Ah Beka no!" I laugh trying to escape him, I manage to wiggle around enough to get to the bed so I can push my right side in to the mattress, this way I can use two hands to defend my left side. 

"Come back here Yuri" Beka laughs. 

"Nooo, stop!" I scream, laughing hysterically to the point that tears are coming down my face. 

He finally relents and I catch my breath on the bed I haven't laughed that hard in my life and I feel so good. We lay next to each other panting hard, he pulls the cat ears off my head and holds them in front of my face laughing. I laugh when I see them, I had completely forgotten I was still wearing them.

"I haven't laughed like that before" I tell him.

"Me neither" he replies grabbing my hand gently.

I hesitantly lay my head on his chest, scared for round two of tickling but he just wraps us up in the blankets holding me close.

"Happy birthday Yuri"

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