Chapter 45

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Otabek's POV

It's been two months since Yuri literally ran back into my life and I couldn't be happier, I've given up drinking and have started to bike and even skate again at Victor's rink. 

Victor has become my coach and convinced me to do one more year of competitive skating, my life is falling back in to place. 

Yuri moved back in with me with his kitten and we bought another one together.

"You ready to go Beka?"

"Yeah" I say as I lean in to kiss Yuri, every time feels so much more precious. We are making up for lost time, we have been making love every night and I am covered in bruises. 

It's perfect. 

Tonight, we are going out to dinner with Victor and Yuuri and I have a surprise for Yuri....

After the meal I head to the bathroom so I can prepare myself, since I am not good with words I have been practicing this speech for days. I look in the mirror and make sure my hair looks perfect, I told the wait staff so one will be secretly taking photos and the other will be ready with a free dessert for us afterwards. I take a deep breath and head back out to the table giving a subtle thumbs up to the waitress. I kneel down in front of Yuri and open the black box in my hand. Yuri gasps and starts to cry before I say a word.

"Yuri, my Yuri. I can't bear the thought of a single day without you in my life, I promise my heart will love you forever. Please Yuri will you marry me?"

All three people at the table are crying and Yuri tries to compose himself.

"Beka of course I will marry you!" he yells before leaning down to kiss me. 

I pull away and smile before sliding the platinum ring on his finger. He already has gold medals so I thought platinum was the way to go.

"Aww guys!!" say both Victor and Yuuri.

Me and Yuri laugh at them and hold each other close.

A/N all is well :) Sequel is completed Forever and Always.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now