Chapter 29

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A/N I know this actually happened in Barcelona but it works better with the story here :)

Otabek's POV

He said it! He truly loves me! I've waited so long to hear him say it, I knew drama would occur when it comes to him but as it turns out I was the drama queen this time. I don't know why I panicked so much, I just couldn't bear the thought of him rejecting me once I finally showed my feelings. 

He's so beautiful sleeping on me, I run my hands through his soft golden hair. 

All is well in the world.

In our rare spare time Yuri and I have been practicing a fun little ice routine together, no rules, no pressure. Just fun. Today we have been practicing a part where Yuri skates over to me and I rip his gloves off when Yuri comes up with an idea.

"Hey Beka... I think it would be sexy if you bite my glove off"

I choke on my water "Okay" I say between coughs, he laughs.

"Think you could do that?"

"Uhm yeah"

"Okay just stand over there and look sexy, I'll come over to you"

"I always look sexy" I say as I make my way to the entrance to the ice. I give Yuri my best seductive look.

"Oh, shit take me now!" he laughs.

"Yuri! Don't make me bite your finger"

"You wouldn't"

I laugh and turn the music on, I played this song once on my phone and Yuri jumped up and said "This one! I want to skate to it!". Yuri starts moving very seductively, I take a deep breath and try to ignore the thoughts in my head. 

He skates over to me and shoves his hand in my direction. I rip his glove off with my hands and then he puts his other hand near my face, I open my mouth and as gently as I can try to pull the glove off with my teeth but it's harder than I thought. Yuri turns the music off.

"Beka you need to do this faster"

"I don't want to bite your fingers off!"

"That's not what you said earlier" he teases "Let's sit down and you can practice on my hand"


We sit down and I bite the glove off his hand several times trying to get the hang of it.

"That's enough for now, I'm tired and hungry" says Yuri.

I grab his hand and kiss it as he blushes.

"Let's get food"

I stand still holding his hand as we head out. I wonder if we will ever show anyone this routine... 

God I hope not.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now