Chapter 2

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Otabek's POV

"Heeey Yurio!" 

"Oh crap" Yuri says as he sees the other Yuuri and Victor coming over to us with half empty champagne flutes in their hands. 

"Otabek good job out there and I say that as... well me" he laughs loudly. 

Gee thanks Victor high praise indeed... 

"Thanks Victor. Good job Yuuri I was impressed" and I was, I know Yuri is fascinated by Yuuris skating and was glad to see Yuuri skate with no mistakes. 

Yuuri blushed and accepted my compliment with a shy smile, I looked over to see both Yuri and Victor with their mouths wide open. I nod towards Victor and he walks away with Yuuri with his arms tightly wrapped around him. So in love. 

Yuri looks furious... 

"What the hell was that?" he demands. 

"He was good today" I reply nonchalantly. 

"You complimented the fat piggy but I get nothing?" 

Now I am confused "What do you mean nothing?" I say thinking about how he has a gold medal in his possession. 

"You are my friend! You didn't even say I was good!" ohh. 

"I figured you knew"

He pouts a little "I thought you were good today" he says looking at the floor.

"You didn't tell me that" I say with a little laugh.

"Oh yeah well I am saying it now" 

I sigh loudly, such a double standard.

I look at him into his stunning eyes and say "That performance took my breath away, I have never seen such perfect jumps and you earned your medal with pride" 

Yuri stares deep in to my eyes, for once I have left him speechless. 

"Oh thanks" 

I expected more of a reaction after he kicked up such a huge fuss but I see him analyzing my words in his head and know that isn't the last I will hear of this.    

We look over to see Victor and Chris taking their clothes off and dancing while Yuuri tries to cover Victor back up. 

"Okay fuck this, time to go" Yuri groans before pulling me out as well.


Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now