Chapter 15

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Yuri's POV

"Well it was good seeing you guys" I hear Victor say.

"Thanks for dinner" Beka replies before dragging me out to the car.

"What happened in there Yuri?"

"What" I growl at him

"You went silent for the whole night and I'm worried about you"

"I'm fine Otabek"

A look of pain crosses his face when I don't use his nickname, he starts the car and we drive in silence back to the apartment. 

When we arrive it's dark and we walk again in silence in to the apartment. When we get in I lay on the couch and face the back of it trying to fall asleep, Otabek tosses a blanket on the floor next to me and heads to his bedroom. 

I am determined not to let my feelings get the better of me but I can't help missing his arms around me it's so cold and lonely out here.... 

Now I am pissed at myself, I don't need him, I don't need anyone! 

I stare at the ceiling trying to fall asleep but I just can't, I want to hug him and fall asleep in his bed but he must hate me by now. 

I toss and turn for a while before giving up and begin to walk to Beka's bedroom, I reach for the handle but my hands are shaking... stupid! Get a hold of yourself idiot! I take a deep breath and walk in to see Beka wide awake. He turns away from me as I come over and sit beside him on the bed.

"Beka for god sakes look at me!" 

He sighs and looks over his shoulder.

"What do you want from me Yuri?"

"I want to cuddle you" I whisper.

"Why?" he growls at me.

What does he want me to say?

"I..... I....."

"Yuri, I need to know.... how do you feel about me? What is this to you? ... A game?" he asks sadly.

"No, I don't know. I'm... I'm scared... I haven't felt like this before and I don't know how to react" I blurt out to him. 

He looks surprised and lifts his hand to my hair, I lean against it. He smiles at me and I melt when I see his eyes twinkling in the little light streaming in, instinctively I lean down towards him and kiss him. 

He wraps his arms around me desperately pulling me closer to him and starts moving his lips against mine, it feels so good so impossibly good, I suddenly completely understand Victor and Yuuri. I open my mouth slightly and feel his tongue slip in to my mouth, my eyes open in surprise, it's not unpleasant but I start to tense up. Beka immediately notices the change in my body and pulls away. 

"Sorry Yuri I got carried away, I won't push you again" he looks scared but I just smile at him and lay beside him. 

He wraps the covers around us as I rest my head on his chest, I feel my eyes droop immediately and sink in to his warmth.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now