Chapter 17

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Two weeks later....
A/N So creative i know ;)

Yuri's POV

It's my birthday! Finally, it's come! For once in my life I don't struggle to wake up. I look over expecting to see Beka next to me but I am alone. What time is it? I look at my phone which says 10am. 

"Oi Beka where the hell are ya?" I yell.

"Morning Yuri" he says smiling by the bedroom door.

"What are you holding?"

"I made pancakes!" he says proudly bringing me breakfast in bed.

I feel my cheeks heat up as he lays the food on my lap, he went to so much trouble for me since he very rarely cooks. I take a bite.

"Wow Beka this is so good!" I say before shoving a whole lot in my mouth. Beka laughs watching me as he drinks his coffee on the bed, I finish eating and get up to get dressed again in my favorite tiger sweatshirt and pull on a pair of black jeans and then brush my hair out. 

Before I can turn around everything goes black "I can't see! Beka what the fuck?!" he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder before pulling me out of the room. 

"Hey what the? Put me down!"

"Stop squirming Yuri its good" 

What? What is he on about? Oh, yeah it's my birthday but where are we going? 

Beka sits me down in the car and straps me in, I try to lift my blindfold but he pushes my hands down to my lap and starts driving. 

Beka pulls in somewhere and picks me up bridal style out of the car, we walk a few steps before a door is opened and I hear whispered voices. 

Beka gently puts me down and faces me in a particular direction before removing my blindfold.

"Surprise!" says several voices.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now