Chapter 24

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Otabek's POV

The nurse said Yuri could stay with me and relief washes over me, I hate hospitals and especially needles so I'm glad to have him with me. 

Yuri sobs hard against my chest and then falls asleep. Yuuri looks at me.

"We will pick you up tomorrow morning, I have to get Victor home now"

"Okay see you"

"Feel better Otabek" he smiles at me in such a sweet way that I can't help but smile back.

"Keys Victor" he says walking out of the room and Victor hands him the keys, tears drip down his face. The poor guy looks exhausted. I can only imagine how hard it would be to hold Yuri back. 

He loves me.... I can't believe it.

I'm so lucky I think before closing my eyes.

Yuuri arrives the next morning without Victor to pick us up,  Victor must be recovering at home. The nurse starts to remove the I.V from my arm and I squeeze Yuri's hand.

"Ew Beka look! You're bleeding"

"Oh god" I moan.

"Bit squeamish are you Beka?" he teases. I just moan and hide my face in his arm.

"All done" the nurse says cheerfully.

I release Yuri's arm and start to stand up.

"Before you go the doctor wanted me to advise you to take one day of bed rest and no skating for a week"

What? Fuck! My coach will not be happy. I wobble slightly on my feet so Yuri slips his hand around my arm to steady me and we walk with Yuuri out of the hospital. 

I see the sky and take a deep breath of fresh air. 

I'm free....

"See you guys, feel better Otabek" yells Yuuri from his car before driving off home. 

I run straight for my bed and snuggle in the blankets, I hadn't noticed before but the covers smell like Yuri now. I take a deep breath of his scent. 

I want to have a nap so I curl up and cover my head with blankets, Yuri sits beside me looking through his phone and resting his hand in my hair.

Please stay with me.

Otayuri (fluff) The boy with the golden hair.Where stories live. Discover now