Chapter 11

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Otabek's POV

I chuck our take-out wrappers in the bin just outside my apartment, the brief trip makes me shiver all over and I can tell snow is on the way. I hurry back inside and close my eyes sighing at the warmth.

"I meant to ask but I got distracted.... can I stay the night?" asks Yuri, I hadn't even noticed the time.

"Yeah of course Yuri" I laugh nervously, where will he sleep? 

We set up the couch for Yuri and then relax in my room for a while watching funny fails on YouTube and laughing our heads off. 

Should I ask Yuri to stay in here with me? No, he will get uncomfortable...although he did kiss me... 

"I'm tired, I better head out to the lounge now" he says sleepily, I feel a flicker of disappointment but say goodnight to him as he walks out my door. 

I plug my phone in to charge, throw on a jersey and crawl under the cover, its freezing tonight even with my blankets wrapped tightly around me. I can hear the howling wind as I bury my head deeper in to my covers. 

I hear some soft footsteps coming in to my room.

"I'm cold" 

"Come in then Yuri" 

I feel the bed dip slightly as Yuri crawls in loudly shuffling around and then a pillow against my back.

"What are you doing Yuri?"

"Making a pillow wall, I can't sleep with other people" 

Okay then... 

We lie in uncomfortable silence knowing the other is awake. 

I can hear Yuri shivering on the other side of the pillows so I lean over and see the small Russian boy curled up in a tight ball under the covers with just his hair showing. He is fully clothed but still ice cold when I lightly touch his head. 

I start pulling the pillows away and he says nothing as I do so. My heart is beating so fast I'm scared it will beat out of my chest, please don't push me away I think, I slide my arms around him spooning him softly. Yuri comes closer to me placing his cold hands against mine.

"Brrr you are as cold as ice Yuri" 

"Shut up" he says and I smile, that's the Yuri I know and love. 

Now that I know he is comfortable I bury my face in his hair and before I can stop myself I plant a kiss on the back of his head, he doesn't react but then I feel his heartbeat speeding up 

"Go to sleep" he grumbles at me 

"Yeah yeah" I whisper.

Yuri's body warms up and before long his hands slide away from mine as he falls asleep in my arms.

"I love you Yuri Plisetsky" I say before dropping in to my own deep slumber.    

A/N This is so fun to write :) 

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