2- I think he's cheating

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I awoke, looked at Brianna, then rolled to my other side and reached for my phone off her nightstand. Four in the morning, I quietly breathed. I rolled onto my back and moved my head to the side to make sure she was still fast asleep. Seeing she was, I looked back at my phone and saw I had ten missed calls and twenty-five text-messages. I sighed, then without waking her. I quietly rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to clean up.

I then headed to her kitchen and knowing most people had a junk drawer in their kitchen. I quietly began opening drawers, looking for some scratch paper and a pen. After finding what I was looking for, I sat at her dining room table, wrote her a note, then headed back home.

It was actually nice driving at this time. It was peaceful, with not a soul in sight.

I noticed all the lights were off as I pulled up to my house. Stepping out of my car, I turned the flashlight on my phone, wanting some sort of light as I entered the house. I slowly and quietly opened the front door, walked in, removed my shoes, walked into the kitchen, and quietly set my keys down on the kitchen counter.

I headed over to my couch and was just about to lay down when I felt someone lying on it. Shit. I shined my light and shook my head after seeing Jemma staying the night.

Great... bed it is, I muttered.

I reluctantly headed to my room, stared at who was lying in my bed, and sighed while quietly climbing into bed—not wanting to wake her.

Just as my eyes closed, I felt her roll to her side and drape her arm over me, whispering, "Where have you been all night?"

"Out," I irritatedly responded. "Go back to sleep," I said, removing her arm.

"Since I couldn't get a hold of you, Jemma decided to stay the night."

"I saw her," I groaned, moving closer to the edge of the bed.

I can't fucking do this anymore. I just can't.


I rolled over and went to wrap my arm around Nick, but when I felt an empty spot beside me, my eyes opened. Seeing he was gone, I quickly rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling. Thinking about how much fun I had with Nick and how he made me feel like a kid again, and then the sex. Oh, God. The sex was fucking amazing. Feeling thirsty, I got myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen for a glass of water. Along the way, I saw a note sitting on the table and picked it up.

Sorry beautiful. I had to get going. I just want to let you know I had a wonderful time, and I'll give you a call later.

A smiled crept up my face while reading his note. I set it down next to the flowers, then walked over to the sink. Grabbed a glass, filled it with water, and took one long drink. I looked back over to the flowers, then the time, and jumped. I needed to shower and get ready for work.

While in the shower, I couldn't stop thinking about Nick. I didn't know what it was about him, but how he always made me feel made the feelings I was having for him even more robust. I just wished he wasn't so secretive and hoped he would stay longer instead of always leaving in the middle of the night.

Just as I stepped out of the shower, my phone rang. I reached for my towel, wrapped it around me, and rushed into the living room. My eyes rolled, seeing it was my boss, but answered it politely, anyway, "Hello?"

Sounding tired, she responded, Hello, Brianna. I'm calling because I was wondering if you could start early this morning. My husband came home late last night, and after he climbed into bed, I wasn't able to get much sleep. I have a client that is supposed to be there in about thirty minutes. I won't be able to make it there on time, and I know how much closer you live to the clinic than me.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now