15- Demanding answers

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Seeing Tessa's car parked next to mine had my heart racing, my nerves acting wild, and my stomach turning in knots. "Drop me off over there," I pointed, pointing to the other side of the building. "I'm guessing she came back to question me on why your stuff was in my apartment," I sighed.

"Maybe I should park and walk in with you."

I shook my head. "That's okay. I can handle her."

"If she's here to question you about me. I think it would be best for me to be with you. It's time she knows."

I reached and cupped the side of his face and smiled. "I'll be fine. I'm sure Tessa's here about work, anyway. Otherwise, your phone would have been blowing up with her phone calls and texts. If I need you, I'll call."

"You can't do this alone. This is my fault. Not yours," Nick said, removing my hand and kissing my fingers. "I'm the one who got us in this mess, and I should be the one to fix it."

I opened the door, stepped one foot out, then leaned to him and pressed my lips to his. "I'll call you if I need your help."

"Shut the door," he ordered.


"Just get in and close the door."

I did what he asked, then he drove off and parked in the next parking lot across the street. He turned off the car, then turned to me. "Tessa wasn't there to ask you to come back. She went there to snoop. Tessa was sniffing around, trying to find what she was looking for. She's a bloodhound. I'm telling you she saw our reactions that night at the event. After you quit, she gave me the insinuating stink eye look, as if I was the reason you quit. In which I was," he added. "But my phone and briefcase case was out in the open, and I'm sure she saw it. She's putting two and two together. I can't let you face her alone. Not now. You're pregnant."

"Just bring me back to my place. Let me see what Tessa has to say. I'll call you if I need to. I promise," I demanded, crossing my arms. "This may be your mess that you got me in, but with the way, my hormones are acting right now. I'm positive I can handle her."

After him protesting me going to my apartment alone, he finally gave in and drove me back to my place. Before I exited his car, he pulled me to him. "Call if you need my help. I mean it."

I nodded, kissed his lips, then hurriedly exited his car, and took deep breaths, trying to calm myself while walking into my apartment building. First, I checked and grabbed my mail, then as I headed to my place, I kept my eyes and ears on alert, waiting for Tessa to come from behind and attack me.

As I walked down the hallway, I noticed Tessa sitting on the ground, with her back against my door and her head lowered in her hands.

Here we go...

"Tessa?" I quietly questioned as I neared her.

She lifted and turned her head my way, then pushed herself to stand, brushing debris off her clothes. "Hi, Brianna," she quietly said. But I noticed with the way she said my name; she sounded nervous.

"What are you doing here? And how long have you been here?" I asked, sticking my key in the lock and looking her way.

"I've been here for a little while. I really need to talk to you. Do you have a few minutes?"

"Yeah. Sure," I said, unlocking and opening the door. "Come in."

I had her follow me in, and knowing Nick took all his belongings with him, I walked her over to my dining room table and pulled a chair out for her; then, wanting to be out of her reach, I sat across from her. The only thing blocking us was the table and the roses from Nick.

Sleeping With The Boss's Husband  (EDITED/REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now